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Turkey does not participate in NATO exercises in Greece despite détente with Athens

Turkey does not participate in NATO exercises in Greece despite détente with Athens
Turkey does not participate in NATO exercises in Greece despite détente with Athens


ANKARA Turkey did not participate in NATO exercises in Greece this week due to airspace disputes with Athens, Turkish Defense Ministry sources said on Thursday.

Thirteen NATO countries participated in the war exercises officially called Exercise Ramstein Flag that began in Greece on September 30, according to NATO air command websites.

Ankara decided not to participate in the exercise after Athens asked Turkey to share flight data of Turkish planes based on a Greek exercise plan claiming the Flight Information Region (FIR ) in the region only under its own authority, according to Defense Ministry sources.

Despite a positive approach from NATO authorities, participation in the exercise was not possible due to Greece's insistence on its position as host country, a high-level ministry source told journalists of Defense.

Claiming that its airspace extends 10 nautical miles above the Aegean Sea, Athens says Ankara is required to submit flight plans for military aircraft entering the FIR overseen by Athens. Turkey, in turn, categorically rejects the Greek claim of 10 miles of airspace and recognizes Greek national airspace over the Aegean Sea as 6 miles, aligned with Greek territorial waters of 6 miles sailors. Ankara also refuses to share flight data with the Greek side, arguing that Athens is using its FIR to justify its claims in the Aegean Sea.

Later Thursday, Turkey's National Security Council, meeting under the leadership of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, issued a thinly veiled warning to Greece. Turkey “will not allow its sincere approach and its efforts to develop areas of cooperation” in the Mediterranean and the Aegean Sea “to be abused”, indicates a press release published at the end of the Council meeting.

Despite being NATO allies, the two Aegean neighbors often argue over conflicting territorial claims in the Aegean Sea and the airspace over it. The two countries also engage in skirmishes over NATO exercises in the Aegean Sea due to these disputes.

Yet Turkey's decision not to participate in the latest NATO exercise comes amid continued détente in Turkish-Greek relations over the past year and a half, which began after the February earthquakes 2023 that hit southern Turkey. Erdogan and Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis are now among the leaders who have met most often in the history of Turkish-Greek relations.

Following the two countries' meeting in New York last week, Greek Foreign Minister George Gerapetritis said the two countries had agreed to explore conditions to see if they were ready to begin negotiations to demarcate maritime areas.

The Turkish Foreign Ministry also confirmed that there is a mutual willingness to explore opportunities to try to resolve historical differences between the two, but it offered a slightly nuanced approach.

There are interrelated maritime and air issues in the Aegean Sea, and both countries are willing to explore opportunities to resolve them in good faith, a Turkish Foreign Ministry source told Al-Monitor. Turkey has always sought to resolve its historical disagreements over the Aegean Sea as a whole, including airspace disputes, instead of just negotiating a maritime demarcation.




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