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Putin would not have invaded Ukraine if Trump had been president

Putin would not have invaded Ukraine if Trump had been president
Putin would not have invaded Ukraine if Trump had been president


I see that Boris and I both married above ourselves, he said when introduced to him. Why don't you and I go to the beach and leave this guy here?

When I ask him what it's like to see the leader of the free world making eyes at his new wife, he replies diplomatically: I had a great relationship with Joe Biden and I have a lot of time for him. I think he is a true Atlanticist and a true old-fashioned democrat.

Which Malory Towers character is Johnson then? I'm the steely-eyed headmistress, Miss Grayling!

My pompous attempt to stop Megxit

In his book, Johnson says he gave a kind of manly pep talk to the Duke of Sussex to try to convince him not to leave Britain with Meghan. Buckingham Palace denied that, as it says in the text, they pushed me to try to persuade the prince. So what really happened?

Yeah, that's right, he said. I don't think they did. I just met him. It was a tête-à-tête at the Greenwich Convention Center.

I think it was my own initiative. I think I decided, in a somewhat pompous way, that it would be sad if we lost his talent, because I had worked with him and Meghan at an event to promote women's education, and they were both brilliant.

So I think I said, Look, I want to say something to the Prince. And so everyone fled. My attempt to stop Megxit was unsuccessful.

He also discusses his meetings with other members of the royal familyUnchainedincluding Queen Elizabeth II. He says that shortly before her death, Lord Young, her private secretary, told her that she had known all summer that she was leaving but that she was determined to hang on and fulfill her final duty by accepting the resignation of its 14th Prime Minister and appointing the 15th, Liz Truss.

Johnson, who reveals in the book that he had known for a year that the late queen suffered from bone cancer, told me: I think her sense of duty was so strong that she really, really wanted to accomplish her last great constitutional task. , it was the peaceful transfer of power from one administration to another. And you know, she had to be there to do it.

His favorite memory of her, he says, is the time he and Carrie visited Balmoral and were taken for a late-night barbecue cooked by Prince Philip.

She decided to give us a special treat and buy some bagpipes, he said. She stamped her foot as the piper walked away and the sparks flew into the night sky. And just watching her beam with pleasure.




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