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A new leader in Indonesia: what are the implications for the United States?

A new leader in Indonesia: what are the implications for the United States?
A new leader in Indonesia: what are the implications for the United States?


Prabowo Subianto will take over as president of Indonesia on October 20 after his big election victory earlier this year, at a time of national optimism and global crises. Previous President Joko Widodo generated strong economic growth and Indonesia is expected to overtake Germany and the United Kingdom to become the world's seventh largest economy by 2030. However, the growing rivalry between the United States and China continues to shake the region, including the South China Sea. Washington would like to involve Jakarta in its self-proclaimed global battle against autocracies. The escalation of the crisis in the Middle East is another stressor. Indonesia, like many southern states, has taken a different approach to the ongoing war than the United States.

How might U.S.-Indonesian relations change with Prabowo as president? How will Jakarta and ASEAN respond to any further escalation in Taiwan or the South China Sea? What does the rise of Indonesia mean for the importance of the Global South in American foreign policy?

To discuss these questions and more, join a Quincy Institute discussion featuring Marc MealySenior Vice President for Policy at the US-ASEAN Business Council, Goddess Fortuna Anwarresearch professor at the Policy Research Center-Indonesian Institute of Science, and Ambassador Piper Campbellprofessor of practice at the School of International Service (SIS) of American universities. Shidore's nestdirector of the Global South program at the Quincy Institute, will moderate.

The conversation will take place on Tuesday, October 15 from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Eastern Time.

Marc Mealy is senior vice president for policy at the U.S.-ASEAN Business Council. He manages the Council's information products, coordinates advocacy efforts and serves as the internal lead for international trade policy. He joined the Council in 2003 as Senior Director for Malaysia, Philippines and Brunei Affairs as well as Coordinator of the Council's Task Force on ASEAN Financial Services. He was named vice president in 2010 and promoted to senior vice president and policy in 2017. Marc has more than thirty years of experience in international business and economics and has held positions in the U.S. government and the NGO community.

Dewi Fortuna Anwar is a research professor at the Policy Research Center of the Indonesian Institute of Science. Dewi is also the chairman of the Habibie Center's Institute for Democracy and Human Rights and an academician of the Social Sciences Commission of the Indonesian Academy of Sciences. Between 2010 and 2015, Dewi served as Deputy Secretary for Political Affairs and from 2015 to 2017, Deputy for Government Policy Support to Indonesian Vice President Boediono and Vice President Mr. Jusuf Kalla. In 1998-99, Dewi served as Deputy Minister of the State Secretariat for Foreign Affairs during the Habibie presidency.

Ambassador Piper Campbell is Professor of Practice at the School of International Service (SIS) at American Universities. She chairs the SIS Department of Foreign Policy and Global Security, as well as the ASEAN and Indo-Pacific Studies Initiative (AIPSI). She also regularly coordinates courses for the Department of State's Foreign Service Institute. She previously led the US Mission to ASEAN in 2018. Prior to that, she served as Chief of Mission at the US Embassy in Ulaanbaatar (2012-2015); taught at the National Defense University (2015-2017); served as consul general in Basra, Iraq; and headed the State Department's office responsible for recruiting foreign service officers.

Sarang Shidore is director of the Global South Program at the Quincy Institute and a nonresident senior fellow at the Council on Strategic Risks. He is also an adjunct faculty member at George Washington University, where he teaches a course on the geopolitics of climate change. His areas of research and analysis are geopolitical risks, grand strategy and climate security, with a particular focus on the Global South and Asia. Sarang has over 100 publications to his credit in journals, edited volumes and media in his areas of expertise, including in Foreign Affairs, The New York Times, The Nation, South China Morning Post, Council on Foreign Relations and d 'others.




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