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Trump's plan to make cops more violent: 'American death squads'

Trump's plan to make cops more violent: 'American death squads'
Trump's plan to make cops more violent: 'American death squads'


For years, Donald Trump had hoped – and tried – to implement federal programs and policies that would allow America's police forces to act with impunity and cartoonish brutality. When he was president, Trump had several ideas that he repeatedly bawled about in the Oval Office, including carrying out mass executions and having U.S. police units kill dozens of suspected drug dealers and criminals in urban areas during shootings, with cops then piling these bodies on the ground. street to send a dark message to the gangs.

The ideas were so macabre and seemed so paramilitary that some Trump administration officials began privately referring to them as his plans for “American death squads.”

In the years since he left office, following his efforts to cling to power, the former president's desire to finish the law enforcement work that his first administration could not or would not not, only intensified. In the final weeks of his 2024 campaign to retake the White House, Trump is now running explicitly on an agenda to encourage domestic law enforcement to initiate — with an idea that immediately drew comparisons this week with the dystopian horror film series, The Purge – “a truly violent day” of policing to make retail thieves fear God.

The remarks at his campaign rally weren't just a vent from Trump or an attempt to appear tough on his fans. His vision of a much wilder standard of American policing is fundamental to understanding the former – and perhaps future – president's deeply authoritarian policy proposals that have strangled the political landscape and American society for nearly a decade. NOW. And if Trump and his party defeat Vice President Kamala Harris in this year's presidential election, he and some of his closest allies are already plotting to build on what Trump tried to do in his first term and push law enforcement to be as brutal as possible. .

According to lawyers, advisers and other sources who have spoken to the ex-president about policing since last year, Trump has discussed or been briefed on various ways he could shape law enforcement. order in his blood-obsessed MAGA image. he reconquers the White House next November. Editors' Choice

At the height of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, then-President Trump toyed with the idea of ​​his administration withdrawing federal funding from Democratic-majority cities — like Washington, D.C. and Seattle — that he considered as a “loss of power”.[ing]» their own police services. If Trump gets a second term, sources say, he has privately emphasized several times over the past year and a half that his administration should quickly engage in this so-called “pro-police” policy of keeping the hostage financing.

In mid-2020, as mass protests following the killing of George Floyd and a sprawling movement for racial justice spread across the country, the Trump White House considered taking control of the forces Washington police during the unrest in the capital, although the administration reversed course afterward. frenzied pushback from the city. Trump has repeatedly told aides and confidants in recent years that if he were re-elected and there was a level of crime or unrest in Washington again, he would want the police (in the words of Trump) “dominates” in a way that city officials. deemed too extreme, he could declare an emergency and take personal control of the Washington DC police.

Additionally, just in recent months, Trump has discussed with his close advisers and longtime allies in Congress and the Senate how a Trump-controlled government would go about undoing the work of those responsible. of the Department of Justice and Civil Rights of the Obama and Biden era. divisions that investigated police departments for widespread discrimination, brutality and other abuses.

A new Trump administration would not only shut down and stop conducting these kinds of investigations; In recent months, the former president has discussed with at least one MAGA lawmaker on Capitol Hill the possibility of compiling a list of police “warriors” who have been federally indicted or convicted for offenses Trump considers as “false” or “politically correct”. ” and issuing a series of executive pardons and pardons at the start of a second term. Related

According to a source with direct knowledge of the matter, since Trump accepted the endorsement of the Fraternal Order of Police last month, the ex-president floated the idea at a private dinner to get rid of internal affairs units in local police departments, arguing that many officers spend too much time worrying that an internal affairs official will intrusively investigate them or “ruin” their lives simply because they are “doing their job “.

It's unclear whether a president could eliminate internal affairs offices, even if he wanted to. Ironically, eliminating internal affairs is a proposal sometimes floated by progressive advocates of police reform — even though, unlike Trump, they propose replacing units charged with investigating police with independent outside investigators.

Additionally, Trump has often spoken of offering police “immunity from prosecution” – particularly regarding the central role he wants police officers to play in implementing the broader regime of mass expulsions in US history.

Those who study fascist history warn that such promises should give us chills. Ruth Ben-Ghiat is a professor at New York University, an expert on Mussolini's fascist rule in Italy, and the author of Strongmen. “The fascists did the same thing,” she said. “They made a deal with the police.”

In Trump's case, she insists, he is taking advantage of “the worst part of our institutions,” namely the racially disparate and often brutal realities of American policing. There is a name for what Trump is proposing. “These are what we call ‘authoritarian markets,’” Ben-Ghiat says. “He's courting the police by saying, 'You won't pay the price for the violence I'm asking you to commit.' He arranges these things in advance.

Asked for comment on this story, the Trump campaign had nothing to add directly to the former president's policy recommendations, worthy of the film Purge. Instead, Team Trump reiterated its vow that the twice-impeached former president and convicted felon would restore his brand of “law and order” to America – an embodiment of law and order that places himself and his friends above the law and punishes his enemies.

“President Trump has always been the law and order president and he continues to reiterate the importance of enforcing existing laws,” Trump spokesperson Steven Cheung said in a statement. “Otherwise, it's total anarchy, which is what Kamala Harris has created in some of these communities across America, particularly during her tenure as [California] attorney general when she emboldened criminals.

Trump's support for police officers is, as is the case with everything Trump-related, conditional. When it comes to the police officers who defended the U.S. Capitol during the Jan. 6 riot incited by Trump, when those officers spoke out against Trump, he has privately ridiculed them in recent years as “pussies.” “. But when it comes to militarized police forces willing to commit excessively violent, potentially unconstitutional or illegal acts against suspects, Trump is almost always on board, and he seeks to put the full force of the White House behind them.

Since the start of his first term, Trump has publicly glorified police brutality, directly encouraging police officers to behave more violently than they already do, and making one of his biggest laugh-and-applause lines during gatherings.

“When you see these thugs thrown into the back of a rice cart, you just saw them thrown in, brutally. I said, 'Please don't be too nice,' the then-president told assembled law enforcement during a speech he gave on Long Island, New York , in 2017. “When you put someone in the car and you” you protect their head, you know, like you put their hand on it [their head] … 'Don't hit their heads and they just killed somebody, don't hit their heads.' I said, 'You can take your hand away, okay?'

Trump continued: “I have to tell you, you know, the laws are terribly against us, because for years and years they have been designed to protect criminals. Totally designed to protect the criminal. Not the officers. If you do something wrong, you are in even more danger than them.

During a campaign stop in North Carolina in 2020, the then-president blessed the highly controversial killing of Antifa activist Michael Reinoehl, telling the applauding audience that “we sent in the US Marshals, it took 15 minutes “, adding: “We got it. . They knew who he was, they didn't want to arrest him. Fifteen minutes, it was over.

In concocting his violent police fantasies, Trump drew inspiration — as he has openly boasted — from autocratic leaders such as Rodrigo Duterte, who oversaw mass extrajudicial killings in the Philippines, and China's Xi Jinping. Tendency

In February 2023, Trump and his presidential campaign released an outline of what he declared his “Plan to End Crime and Restore Law and Order.” Some of his agenda items included promises such as directing “the Justice Department to open civil rights investigations against radical left prosecutors, such as those in Chicago, Los Angeles and San Francisco, to to determine whether they illegally engaged in the enforcement of race-based laws. »

His campaign also reminded his supporters that “President Trump is committed to deploying federal assets, including the National Guard, to restore law and order when local law enforcement refuses to act,” emphasizing that if he returns to the White House, he will need heavily armed military units that he could quickly mobilize to bolster his demands for police impunity.




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