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Navy chief highlights need for more autonomous systems and robotics by 2027

Navy chief highlights need for more autonomous systems and robotics by 2027
Navy chief highlights need for more autonomous systems and robotics by 2027


Admiral Lisa Franchetti's new plan prioritizes the development of autonomous systems to prepare the Navy for China's growing aggression.

The Navy's top officer sees the growing use of autonomous and robotic systems as key elements of his navigation plan to prepare the service for adversarial threats from China over the next two years.

There are things you can do in robotic and autonomous systems to be able to increase the lethality and depth of our conventional platforms,” Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Lisa Franchetti said during a meeting from the Defense Writers Group on Wednesday.

These comments come amid those of Franchetti new navigation plan which defines the Navy's strategic direction to get ahead of China. The plan aims to operationalize robotic and autonomous systems, one of seven priority areas she calls “Project 33.”

“It is quite clear that, based on what [China President Xi Jinping] Said, its military forces must be ready for war by 2027,” she said. My goal in the navigation plan is to ensure that we are, in the future, fully capable of integrating unmanned teaming concepts across these platforms, whether under the sea, on the sea or above the sea.”

During his tenure, Franchetti has consistently emphasized the role of technology in his priorities to counter threats from China as it increases its military strength. Earlier this year, she stressed that force size alone is not an end goal.

It's not a question of numbers. It's about how you put it all together. These are platforms on, under and above the sea, she said in February. It is the networks that enable them. It's cyber. This is our job in space. This is work with the entire joint force. They are incredible force multipliers.

Technological advances for the joint force

The Navy's contribution to the joint war effort is a key part of Franchetti's navigation plan.

When I talk about the joint warfare ecosystem, from a single global perspective, the idea is that we have a systemic conversation system, Franchetti said. You have a warfare ecosystem enabled by the information, space and cyber warfare domain.

The Navy is learning from activities around the world, consistent with Project 33's goals, she said.

We can analyze the engagements we see in the Red Sea and we can collect the data that our weapons systems see, Franchetti said. We can take that back here in the United States, and we can let our engineers work with our people who are developing tactics and procedures and work with industry to look at what the adversary is doing.

“I talked a lot, in the navigation plan, about the changing nature of war,” she added. Ukraine showed us that it is possible to innovate on the battlefield. I want to innovate before the battlefield.

The Navy is collaborating with other Department of Defense components and industry partners on the development of unmanned systems, Franchetti said. The service created the Disruptive Capabilities Office in 2023 to support the Pentagons Replicator plan, which aims to maximize existing weapons, systems and unmanned vehicles across the department.

“We created our Disruptive Capabilities Office to take and find technology that is already available, mature, ready to go and ready to integrate,” Franchetti said. What we really want to do is understand what fleets need and then we can help them leverage those capabilities more effectively.




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