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By resigning on October 20, what can Jokowi get when a retiree becomes president?


JATIM TIME – The term of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) will end on October 20, 2024.

When he retires, Jokowi will still benefit from financial facilities in the form of a state pension.

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Presidential pensions are regulated by Law Number 7 of 1978 Concerning the Financial/Administrative Rights of the President and Vice President as well as Former Presidents and Vice Presidents of the Republic of Indonesia.

According to Article 6, paragraph (1), the President is entitled to receive a pension if he honorably retires from office. The amount of this basic pension is 100 percent of the last basic salary.

The nominal calculation of the President's pension is confirmed in Article 2, paragraph (1), namely that the base salary of the President is six times the base salary of the highest civil servant in the Republic of Indonesia.

Jokowi's retirement money

With reference to Government Regulation (PP) Number 75 of 2000, the highest basic salary of Indonesian civil servants other than the President and Vice President is currently granted to the Presidents of the MPR, DPR, DPA, BPK and the MY.

As mentioned in Article 1A, the basic salary of state civil servants is IDR 5,040,000 per month. In this way, the total amount of pensions that President Jokowi receives is six times more than IDR 5,040,000 or IDR 30,240,000.

In addition to the basic pension, former presidents who retire honorably will receive state benefits. According to Article 7, these benefits include:

Benefits comply with legal pension regulations applicable to civil servants.

Household costs related to water, electricity and telephone consumption

All health costs for him and his family.

Added to article 8, the president who has completed his functions will also be provided with a suitable residence as well as equipment and a state vehicle with driver.

House gifts for each president who has completed his term of office are further regulated in Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 52 of 2014 regarding the purchase of houses and standards for former presidents and/or former vice presidents of the Republic of 'Indonesia.

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According to Article 2, the house given to a former president must meet the following criteria:

– Located in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia

– Located in an easily accessible location with an adequate road network

– Has a shape, area, dimensions, design and spatial arrangement that can accommodate the needs and activities of the former President and his family.

– Does not make it difficult to manage security and safety.

The budget intended for the development of a presidential retirement home is covered by the APBN no later than one financial year before the president's departure from office. All taxes and other fees will also be the responsibility of the State.

Free former presidents also have the freedom to choose the location of their retirement home, both inside and outside DKI Jakarta.

It is stated in Article 3 of Regulation of the Minister of Finance (PMK) Number 120/PMK.06/2022, that the DKI Jakarta Presidential Nursing Home has a maximum area of ​​1,500 square meters.

Outside of DKI Jakarta, its maximum area is equivalent to the value of 1,500 square meters of land in Jakarta.

President Jokowi himself chose to build a nursing home in Blulukan Village, Colomadu District, Karanganyar Regency, Central Java.




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