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Boris Johnson alleges Israel's Netanyahu spied on UK during 2017 visit | World News

Boris Johnson alleges Israel's Netanyahu spied on UK during 2017 visit | World News
Boris Johnson alleges Israel's Netanyahu spied on UK during 2017 visit | World News


British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and his Indian counterpart Narendra Modi (unseen) speak during the joint statement following their meeting, in New Delhi, Friday April 22, 2022. (PTI)

Former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson. (PTI)

Amid escalating tensions in West Asia, with Israel leading the aggression, former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson reportedly accused Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of spying on his office. Johnson said his security team discovered a listening device in his personal bathroom after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu used it during a meeting in 2017, according to an excerpt from his new book, reported by The telegraph.

Johnson's next book, Unleashed, due for release on October 10, is said to recount the incident that allegedly took place at the British Foreign Office when Johnson was UK Foreign Secretary.

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In his memoir, Johnson reportedly claimed that during the meeting, Netanyahu, whom he calls “Bibi,” excused himself to go to the bathroom. Johnson reportedly described the bathroom as resembling the men's at a posh London club, located in a secret annex.

Johnson reportedly wrote that after Netanyahu's visit to the bathroom, a regular search for insects revealed a listening device. “Bibi fixed it for a while, and it may or may not have been a coincidence, but I was told that later, when they were doing regular bug scanning, they found a listening device in the bug box. thunder,” Johnson reportedly wrote.

The telegraph noted that it is still unclear whether Israel was confronted with the incident.

After the clip was made public, Johnson was asked for more details, to which he reportedly replied: “I think everything you need to know about this episode is in the book, according to the British daily .

Israel also installed devices in the White House?

At the time, Netanyahu's government was accused of installing listening devices in the White House, as noted in a 2019 Politico report citing three former U.S. officials. Netanyahu denied the allegations, and then-US President Donald Trump also expressed skepticism, calling the claims hard to believe.

According to some US officials, an investigation in Washington concluded that Israel was responsible for installing the devices near the White House and other sensitive locations.

Additionally, the report mentions accusations that London was involved in spying on the Israeli government and its foreign missions, based on US intelligence leaks published by the French newspaper Le Monde in 2016.

In his memoir, Johnson also recalled joking with Netanyahu during the Israeli leader's visit to the British Foreign Office.

Johnson served as Britain's foreign secretary from 2016 to 2018, then prime minister from 2019 to 2022, when he resigned following accusations of breaching Covid-era restrictions enforced by his own government.

First publication: October 4, 2024 | 2:58 p.m. EAST




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