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2024 Elections: Harris and Trump battle for union support

2024 Elections: Harris and Trump battle for union support


DETROIT (AP) Vice President Kamala Harris will visit the union stronghold of Flint, Michigan, on Friday as she battles with Donald Trump to attract working-class voters who could tip the scales in the election. This year.

His appearance in the battleground state comes a day after U.S. dockworkers suspended their strike in hopes of reaching a new contract, sparing the country a damaging episode of labor unrest that could have shaken the economy . An agreement in principle has been reached to increase salaries, although other issues still need to be resolved.

Harris released a statement saying the development indicates progress toward a strong contract and represents the power of collective bargaining. She added that dockworkers deserve a fair share for their hard work to get essential goods to communities across America.

Unions have long been a pillar of support for Democrats, but Harris has failed to secure some key support. The International Association of Firefighters announced this week that it would not support any candidates this year, following a similar announcement by the Teamsters. Both unions supported Joe Biden four years ago.

It's not a completely cold shoulder for Harris. Some Teamsters locals support her, and she quickly gained support from the national teachers unions, building trades unions, the AFL-CIO and the United Auto Workers after replacing Biden at the top of the Democratic ticket.

But divisions within the labor community are a reminder of shifting loyalties in American politics. Democrats have increased their support among white-collar workers while Republicans are trying to make inroads among voters who did not attend college.

At a rally in Saginaw, Michigan, on Thursday, Trump asserted that Republicans were now the party of American workers, glossing over his anti-union record as president. Referring to labor unrest at the nation's ports, he insisted that under my leadership, Americans would not have to strike for better pay or a better life.

The former president also visited Flint last month for an event billed as focused on the auto industry, a mainstay of the battleground state. Both candidates visited the same cities and, in some cases, the exact same locations, just days or weeks apart.

Trump travels to Georgia on Friday to appear with Gov. Brian Kemp, the latest sign that he has repaired his rocky relationship with the top Republican in a key battleground state. Later that day, he holds a campaign event in Fayetteville, North Carolina.

Union voters have traditionally leaned Democratic, with 56% supporting Biden in 2020. But Trump has tried hard to win over blue-collar workers traditionally represented by some of the largest unions. He won 62% of white voters without a college degree, but only 24% of non-white voters without a college degree in 2020.

It's frustrating for Democrats, who point to the strength of the country's labor market: 254,000 jobs were created in September, more than expected, and the White House's strong support for unions. Biden even joined a UAW picket line last year.

Lisa Anderson, 59, drove more than an hour from Green Bay in her green AFSCME shirt for Harris-Walz to hear the vice president speak Thursday in Wisconsin.

What you need to know about the 2024 elections

She has been an administrative assistant at an elementary school for 17 years and believes Harris' union support runs deep.

That doesn't worry me, Anderson said. If you vote for Trump, how can you believe in unions? AFSCME is the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees.

Labor relations could have been a dominant issue in the final weeks of the presidential campaign if the dockworkers' strike continued, leading to blocked ports and shortages on store shelves.

Biden said he was pleased that a deal was being worked out.

We worked hard on it, he said at the White House. With the grace of God and the good will of neighbors, it will hold.




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