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Top Trump media execs ousted as CEO Devin Nunes faces mismanagement allegations ProPublica

Top Trump media execs ousted as CEO Devin Nunes faces mismanagement allegations ProPublica
Top Trump media execs ousted as CEO Devin Nunes faces mismanagement allegations ProPublica


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Former President Donald Trump's media company has ousted executives in recent days after internal allegations that its CEO, former Rep. Devin Nunes, mismanaged the company, according to interviews and recordings of communications between d former employees.

Several people involved with Trump Media believe the ousters are retaliation for what they describe as an anonymous whistleblower complaint about Nunes that was made to the company's board of directors.

The chief operating officer and chief product officer have left the company, along with at least two lower-level employees, according to interviews, social media posts and communications between former employees reviewed by ProPublica. The company, which runs social media platform Truth Social, revealed the chief operating officer's departure in a filing Thursday afternoon.

ProPublica has not seen the whistleblower's complaint. But several people with knowledge of the company said concerns revolved around alleged mismanagement by Nunes. One person said they included allegations of embezzlement, hiring foreign contractors and interference with product development.

In a statement, a Trump Media spokesperson did not respond to specific questions, but said ProPublicas' investigation into the company fabricates implications of inappropriate and even illegal conduct that have no basis in reality.

This story is the fifth consecutive article in an increasingly absurd campaign by ProPublica, likely at the behest of political interest groups, to harm TMTG based on false and defamatory allegations and vague insinuations, says the statement, adding that TMTG strictly adheres to all applicable laws and regulations.

Trump Media's board includes a collection of powerful figures from Trump's world, including his son Donald Trump Jr., former U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer and businesswoman Linda McMahon, a major and current donor co-chair of Trump's transition planning committee.

Nunes was named CEO of the company in 2021, with Trump hailing him as a fighter and leader who will make a great CEO. As a member of Congress, Nunes was known as one of Trump's staunchest loyalists.

After internal allegations about Nunes surfaced at Trump Media, the company hired a lawyer to investigate and interview staff, according to a person with knowledge of the company.

Then, last week, some employees interviewed by the lawyer were informed of their expulsion, the person said. The laid-off employees include a human relations director and a product designer, as well as chief operating officer Andrew Northwall and chief product officer Sandro De Moraes. The person with knowledge of the company said Trump Media asked employees to sign an agreement pledging not to make public complaints of wrongdoing against the company in exchange for severance pay.

On Thursday afternoon, Northwall posted on Truth Social announcing that he had decided to resign from my position at Trump Media, adding that he was incredibly grateful to Trump and Nunes for the opportunity.

As I step back, I look forward to focusing more on my family and resuming my entrepreneurial journey, the release said.

De Moraes now identifies himself on his Truth Social bio as the company's former chief product officer.

Reports of the departures became public earlier this week when former Trump Media employee Alex Gleason said in a social media post that Truth Social was in ruins. Many more people shot.

Trump personally owns nearly 60% of the company. That stake, even after a recent decline in the company's stock price, is worth on paper nearly $2 billion, a significant portion of Trump's fortune. He said last month that he had no plans to sell his shares. It's unclear what role, if any, Trump plays in the company's day-to-day operations.

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Since its launch in 2021, the company has become a speculation-fueled meme stock, but its real-world operations have generated virtually no revenue and Truth Social has not become a serious competitor to major social media platforms.

Among Nunes' changes as CEO, as ProPublica reported, was signing a major streaming television deal with several obscure companies, including one controlled by a major political donor. He also traveled to the Balkans over the summer and met with the prime minister of North Macedonia, a trip whose purpose was never publicly explained by the company.

Trump Media has a formal whistleblower policy, adopted when the company went public in March, that encourages employees to report illegal activities and other business conduct that harms the company's reputation and business interests.

Do you have anything about Trump Media we should know? Robert Faturechi can be reached by email at [email protected] and by Signal or WhatsApp at 213-271-7217. Justin Elliott can be contacted by email at [email protected] or by Signal or WhatsApp at 774-826-6240.




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