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Sky News pulls out of Boris Johnson interview following recording ban | News from the sky

Sky News pulls out of Boris Johnson interview following recording ban | News from the sky
Sky News pulls out of Boris Johnson interview following recording ban | News from the sky


Sky News has pulled out of an interview with Boris Johnson after its political editor was told she could not make an audio recording or transcription of the interview.

The former Prime Minister promised to reveal what really happened during my term. [London] mayor, foreign minister and prime minister in next week's conversation as he promotes his memoir Unleashed. Johnson's interview with the BBC was scrapped earlier this week after presenter Laura Kuenssberg mistakenly sent him her briefing notes.

In a post on On Friday, Beth Rigby said: I was looking forward to interviewing Boris Johnson in Cheltenham but unfortunately I can't organize the event as I'm not allowed. [to] make an audio recording or transcription of the interview.

As a journalist in conversation with a former Prime Minister at a public event, I can only proceed if we do so officially. I'm sorry to have to withdraw.

On Wednesday, Kuenssberg said she sent Johnson the notes from her interview in a message to my team and canceled the discussion with the former Conservative Party leader.

The former BBC political editor said the error was embarrassing and disappointing and meant it was not appropriate for the interview to take place.

In an interview with ITV News broadcast on Friday evening, Johnson said he regretted apologizing for his government's Downing Street lockdown parties in 2020. In his memoir, he wrote that he had made a mistake making a pathetic, groveling apology for partygate, which he said had made it seem like we were far more guilty than we were.

Tom Bradby, who presents ITV News at Ten, asked Johnson: Basically you're saying: it wasn't a big deal. I regret apologizing. Is this really your position? Did you regret apologizing to the Queen?

Johnson refused to answer and replied: “I do not discuss my conversations with the Queen.

He added: What I was trying to say is that the general apology, the kind of apology that I gave from the beginning, I think the problem is that afterward, all the accusations which then rained down on the very hard-working civil servants in Number 10 and elsewhere were believed to be true.

And by apologizing, I had sort of inadvertently validated the entire body of work and it wasn't fair to those people.

The memoir also claimed that Gavin Williamson blocked a €400 million deal to bring back British-Iranian prisoner Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe from Iran five years before her release, on the grounds that the money could be used by Hezbollah .

Johnson said that in 2017 he had struck a deal to release dual nationals in exchange for money owed by Britain to Tehran since the 1970s. The Treasury and Foreign Office approved, but the Number 10 insisted the decision had to be approved by all relevant departments, including the Ministry of Defence, led at the time by Williamson.




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