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Trump and Georgia Governor Brian Kemp appear together after years of tension over the 2020 election

Trump and Georgia Governor Brian Kemp appear together after years of tension over the 2020 election
Trump and Georgia Governor Brian Kemp appear together after years of tension over the 2020 election


Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp appears alongside former President Donald Trump for the first time since Trump sought to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election in Georgia.

Trump is visiting the state to assess damage from Hurricane Helene and is being briefed by local officials along with Kemp. Trump thanked Kemp and said he was doing a very good job handling the fallout from the storm.

Trump was asked if he had any concerns about voting in the state, given the impact of the hurricane.

“I worry about the people, not the vote,” Trump responded. “I'm worried about people, a lot of people missing. It's a bad storm. It was a bad storm, a bad storm, maybe the worst.”

Asked about his relationship with Kemp, Trump responded: “It's great. It's great.”

Former President Donald Trump, Republican presidential candidate, speaks with Georgia Governor Brian Kemp during a briefing at the Columbia County Emergency Management Agency as he tours affected areas by Hurricane Helene on Friday, October 4, 2024, in Evans, Georgia. Evan Vucci / AP

Kemp endorsed Trump in August, despite years of tension between the two after Kemp refused his push for a special legislative session to overturn the 2020 election in Georgia, which Trump lost to President Biden. However, he did not vote for Trump or any candidate in the Georgia primaries. The former president publicly chastised Kemp and state election officials and, in a January 2021 phone call with Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, told Raffensberger to “find 11,780” votes — the margin of his loss in Georgia — according to audio obtained by CBS News. .

Fulton County, Georgia, and Special Counsel Jack Smith each indicted Trump, accusing him of seeking to overturn the state's election results. Trump denies any wrongdoing. Raffensperger said Georgia counted votes accurately, the integrity of the election was not violated and Mr Biden won Georgia.

Trump was reluctant to let go of his feud with Kemp, disparaging him as “little Brian Kemp” at a rally in Atlanta before the endorsement and calling Kemp and his wife disloyal. Kemp responded on X.

My goal is to win this November and save our country from Kamala Harris and the Democrats – without indulging in petty personal insults, attacking my fellow Republicans, or dwelling on the past.

You should do the same, Mr. President, and leave my family out of this.

— Brian Kemp (@BrianKempGA) August 3, 2024

Kemp ultimately chose a different path than his then-lieutenant governor, Geoff Duncan. Duncan, also a staunch Republican, not only votes for Vice President Kamala Harris, but he also endorsed her in a speech at the Democratic National Convention, urging other Republicans to follow his lead.

“To my fellow Republicans who want to get back to politics and empathy and tone, you know the right thing to do, now let's have the courage to do it in November,” Duncan said at the DNC in Chicago.

“In our family, my wife Brooke and I are raising three boys and we have a family motto,” Duncan told the DNC. “And he says, 'Doing the right thing will never be the wrong thing.' In 2020, at the lowest of times when we had armed officers outside our house to protect us from other Republicans, Donald Trump had us targeted. My son came down and he handed me this coaster that I had given him years before. to a father. My son stepped down for our church, and he said, “Hey Dad, doing the right thing will never be the wrong thing.”

Olivia Rinaldi and Jacob Rosen contributed to this report.

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