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ITV in its TONIGHT program upsets with Boris Johnson interview – a day after the BBC was forced to end the conversation with the former Prime Minister

ITV in its TONIGHT program upsets with Boris Johnson interview – a day after the BBC was forced to end the conversation with the former Prime Minister
ITV in its TONIGHT program upsets with Boris Johnson interview – a day after the BBC was forced to end the conversation with the former Prime Minister


ITV saw a huge program shake-up TONIGHT with a special interview with Boris Johnson.

It comes just a day after the BBC was forced to end its discussion with the former prime minister.

Tom Bradby to sit down with Boris Johnson for ITV


Tom Bradby to sit down with Boris Johnson for ITVCredit: Rex
National news bulletin interrupted as former PM to be questioned over tenure


National news bulletin interrupted as former PM to be questioned over tenureCredit: AFP
This comes after well-respected journalist Laura Kuenssberg had to abandon her own interview.


This comes after well-respected journalist Laura Kuenssberg had to abandon her own interview.

Tonight's ITV News show was significantly disrupted after bosses attempted to insert themselves into the highly anticipated interview.

The national bulletin will be broadcast at 6:30 p.m. as usual, but the program will only last half an hour.

At 7pm, Boris, 60, will speak to veteran news presenter Tom Bradby ahead of the release of his memoir, Unleashed.

He will be questioned about his mandate after the ousting of the conservatives. power in a landslide result in the 2024 general election.

This will be followed by Emmerdale at 7.30pm and an hour of Coronation Street at 8pm.

It comes after the BBC was forced to cancel its planned interview with the politician.

Presenter Laura Kuenssberg had to abandon her own conversation after accidentally sending Boris her briefing notes.

The former political editor admitted the “embarrassing and disappointing mistake”, saying “honesty is the best policy”.

In a statement on X, formerly known as Twitter, she wrote: “As I prepared to interview Boris Johnson tomorrow, by mistake I sent him our briefing notes in a message to my team.

“This obviously means it is not appropriate for the interview to take place.

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“It’s very frustrating, and there’s no point pretending it’s anything other than embarrassing and disappointing, because there are a lot of important questions to ask.

“But red faces aside, honesty is the best policy. See you Sunday.”

Thestar has been presenting the flagship program for two years, Sunday with the Laura Kuenssberg show.

In addition to political figures, his recent interviews include Kate Winslet and Earl Spencer.

The former Tory leader is also giving interviews to Sky News and GB News ahead of publication.

BBC News' biggest mistakes

The Beeb has suffered a number of gaffes recently. Here we take a look at the biggest and funniest mishaps so far:

Laura Kuenssberg apologized after accidentally sending her briefing notes to the former prime minister


Laura Kuenssberg apologized after accidentally sending her briefing notes to former prime ministerCredit: Alamy
The highly respected journalist also interviews big stars such as Kate Winslet.


The highly respected journalist also interviews big stars such as Kate Winslet.Credit: PA
Boris Johnson set to publish his own political memoir


Boris Johnson set to publish his own political memoirCredit: Getty
Sky News also secured its own interview with the former Prime Minister


Sky News also secured its own interview with the former Prime MinisterCredit: Getty




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