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Erdoan sounds the alarm on World War III

Erdoan sounds the alarm on World War III
Erdoan sounds the alarm on World War III


President Recep Tayyip Erdoan has clearly warned Trkiye and the world of the looming threat of World War III. He made it clear that the war was out of control and that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was unaccountable to either the United States or the West. Not only are Western countries unable to control Netanyahu, but they are actively aiding and abetting his military operations by supplying him with weapons and bombs that are used to kill civilians.

Last week, Erdoan delivered an extraordinarily high-level warning speech about Israel's war on Gaza and Israel's attack on Lebanon. And he very clearly laid out a framework for stopping the war. He also mentioned that Muslim countries and the world are threatened by regional or global war.

At the same time, he stressed that the world's supranational institutions are also bankrupt. He said the United Nations was dysfunctional and that despite actions by human rights, judicial and criminal courts, there had been no attempt to stop Netanyahu.

Days after the assassination of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah, Israel launched a ground operation in Lebanon. Lebanese Foreign Minister Abdallah Bou Habib revealed that Israel targeted Nasrallah after he agreed to a 21-day ceasefire, commenting: Hassan Nasrallah had accepted a ceasefire for just a few moments before his assassination. We completely agreed. Lebanon accepted a ceasefire, but in consultation with Hezbollah… And we informed the Americans and the French

In fact, I've written about it in many articles, heard it frequently, and said it many times. I also pointed out that this threat extends beyond Islamic countries and the region, it will engulf the entire world and is about to ignite into a real fire.

The code of actions taken by Netanyahu since the start of the war was recently revealed in the newspapers. On the other hand, Erdoan mentioned that the Jews invented this nonsense about the so-called “promised land” and almost turned the world into a bloodbath in the name of this superstition, a perverted religious belief since 3,000 years old.

Undermining the peace

Every time there was hope for peace and the parties reached a negotiating position, Netanyahu would immediately take a step back and manage to sabotage the peace. First, on the day US President Joe Biden said, “Israel must now move toward a hostage exchange and a peace deal before civilian casualties increase,” Netanyahu bombed the hospital Shifa.

When Biden repeated a similar phrase, a Christian church was directly affected. In fact, Netanyahu, who is out of control and on the verge of surpassing Hitler in genocide, has repeatedly shown that he has no regard for either the United States or the Christian world.

Conversely, as a new opportunity for peace presented itself, Biden, amid ongoing debates over his exact influence on world politics and Israel, announced to the world that a 90% peaceful environment had been achieved, in effect a ceasefire, with only 10% of obstacles remaining. and that a truce was almost in place on all matters except the Philadelphia Corridor. Saying this, Ismail Haniyeh was assassinated in Iran.

Naturally, the choice of Iran as the location of the assassination was significant. Furthermore, they eliminated not only the leader of Hamas, but also the person who was at the negotiating table and working for peace.

As Qatari Prime Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani said: “How can mediation (for a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas) succeed when one side assassinates the other side's negotiator ?

On the other hand, while once again pressed for peace, Netanyahu assassinated Nasrallah and many Hezbollah commanders.

Crossing borders

Unlike the leaders of Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan and other Islamic countries, Erdoan kept his common sense, called on international institutions to act and believed that this threat had now transcended borders.

Erdoan concluded his speech by addressing the national public in Trkiye. He recognized that while negotiations and political debates among us are possible, it is essential to maintain a united front at home in these difficult times, especially when the world has become a tinderbox. He insisted a lot on this point.

Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan, Foreign Minister of Saudi Arabia and representatives of other Islamic countries took important initiatives. Their positions seemed to align and support Erdoan's position.

More powerful than missiles

Last week, Iran launched an attack on Israel, and I believe it had an impact, although some media outlets suggest that the opposite is often influenced by bias in Israeli-Iranian relations. Although an Iranian attack on Israel might provoke particular reactions, Erdoan's statements to the global public likely had a more profound effect on Israel than the Iranian missiles themselves.

The President's speech in Parliament was remarkable. Members of the ruling People's Alliance and the main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) applauded, with nearly 80 percent of parliament showing support. This response clearly demonstrated Trkiye’s unity and solidarity in the face of concrete threats.

On the one hand, it addresses threats around the world, including Israel's attempts to escalate the conflict and commit genocide. On the other hand, he tirelessly asserts that “the world is bigger than five”, providing constructive criticism and recommendations to the UN Security Council. Perhaps this consistently proactive and challenging stance positions Erdoan as one of the most talked about and influential leaders in the world.

Let's see what the Almighty will bring…

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