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PM Modi in Maharashtra again, as BJP plans two-pronged strategy, with a little help from MP

PM Modi in Maharashtra again, as BJP plans two-pronged strategy, with a little help from MP
PM Modi in Maharashtra again, as BJP plans two-pronged strategy, with a little help from MP


With the Haryana and Jammu and Kashmir assembly elections over, the BJP turned its attention to Maharashtra. On Saturday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi will visit the state for the second time in a fortnight, making a stopover in the politically crucial regions of Vidarbha and Mumbai-Thane.

Like during his September 20 visit, Modi will unveil mega infrastructure projects and promote social welfare schemes during his visit on Saturday. The trip will include a visit to the Jagdamba Mata Temple, Poharadevi, in Washim, an important pilgrimage center of the Banjara community, stops at the samadhis of two local saints and the inauguration of a Banjara Virasat museum.

A nomadic tribe, the Banjaras are numerous, constituting a significant voice pool in parts of Vidarbha, North Maharashtra and Marathwada regions.

The BJP's push for voting in Banjara follows the erosion of support it enjoys among Dalits and Kunbis. While the Congress successfully wooed the Dalits in the Lok Sabha polls by talking about a threat to the Constitution, the Kunbis are angry with the BJP-led Mahayuti government over confusion over the issue of quotas. Maratha.

The BJP is hoping that the two-pronged strategy of pushing a development agenda and balancing the interests of micro-castes and communities will help it in the polls.

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Vidarbha accounts for 62 of the 288 seats in the Maharashtra Assembly. In 2014, the party had almost swept Vidarbha, winning 44 of its seats, en route to its victory in Maharashtra. In 2019, when the BJP failed to secure a simple majority, its tally was 29 in Vidarbha. Earlier, Union Home Minister Amit Shah started his series of pre-poll assembly meetings in Maharashtra with Vidarbha.

The BJP also brought to Vidarbha a unit from Madhya Pradesh that successfully worked with former chief minister and current Union Agriculture Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan in the state elections, which saw the BJP return to power. Sources said they had interactions with local leaders of 11 districts of Vidarbha and provided input to the central poll management team on developing a segment-wise plan to reach out to the people of the region, as well as to take into account populist projects like Ladli Bahin. Yojna to the people.

The projects that Modi will unveil in Vidarbha include initiatives related to the agriculture and livestock sector, worth around Rs 23,300 crore. The Prime Minister will also disburse the 18th tranche of PM-KISAN Samman Nidhi worth around Rs 20,000 crore to around 9.4 crore farmers, and the 5th tranche of NaMo Shetkari Mahasanman Nidhi Yojana worth 'around Rs 2,000 crore.

During his visit in September, Modi had commemorated the first anniversary of Vishwakarma Yojna in Vidarbha by handing over loan certificates to 18 beneficiaries in 18 different professions. He also inaugurated a PM MITRA Park for the textile sector.

Mumbai with 36 seats and Thane with 24 account for 60 additional seats. The pressure from prime ministers here, thanks to major infrastructure projects under the BJP government in 2014-19, is significant as the Shiv Sena's Eknath Shinde considers the region his stronghold.

On Saturday, Modi is expected to inaugurate other projects, including several involving the Mumbai Metro.

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