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Georgia Governor Brian Kemp and former President Donald Trump meet and tour hurricane damage

Georgia Governor Brian Kemp and former President Donald Trump meet and tour hurricane damage
Georgia Governor Brian Kemp and former President Donald Trump meet and tour hurricane damage


ATLANTA, Ga. (Atlanta News First) – The new chapter in America's most volatile interparty political relationship was written Friday, when Gov. Brian Kemp joined former President Donald Trump in the Augusta metro area, where The 45th president will receive a briefing on Georgia. Damage caused by Hurricane Helene.

Trump will also deliver remarks with Kemp at the Columbia County Emergency Management Agency in Evans, Georgia, around 3 p.m.; it is the first time since 2020 that the two political leaders have found themselves side by side on stage.

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Helene hit Georgia and other southeastern states last week after making landfall as a Category 4 hurricane on Florida's Big Bend coast. At least 33 deaths have been recorded in Georgia and more than 150 deaths in the region, with damage estimated at several billion dollars. More than 300,000 Georgians are still without electricity.

We've been on the ground from Valdosta to Augusta, Evans and Columbia County, Kemp said Thursday. The scale of destruction, compared even to that of Hurricane Michael, is much greater. It's just 100 percent destruction.

Trump's visit comes after similar appearances by President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, whom Trump seeks to replace in the Oval Office in an election in less than six weeks. Trump took a slight lead over Harris in Georgia, according to a recent Quinnipiac University poll.

Trump's running mate, Ohio U.S. Sen. JD Vance, was also scheduled to appear in Georgia on Friday, although he was expected to focus on the issue of illegal immigration.

The relationship between Kemp and Trump has been contentious and bitter for years, ever since Trump failed to win Georgia in the 2020 presidential election, a defeat that allowed Joe Biden to become the first Democrat since 1992 to win Georgia or any other Southern state in an at-large. election.

Trump placed the blame on Kemp and Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffenseperger, urging the latter in a now-infamous phone call to find him enough votes to win the most crucial state in the field. battle of the country. That phone call led to a series of historic indictments against Trump and more than a dozen of his Republican allies from Fulton County Prosecutor Fani Willis.

Trump has continued to make repeated claims of voter fraud in this election, while Raffensperger has insisted the election was fair, certified and robust. Kemp, for his part, continues to urge Republicans to put the 2020 election behind the party and move forward with firm policy agendas rather than Trump's past grievances.

But the feud between Trump and Kemp was reignited a few weeks ago, when Trump and Vance held a rally in Atlanta just days after Harris held her own campaign event at the same venue. Before taking the stage at the Georgia State University Convocation Center, Trump attacked Kemp and Raffensberger on his Truth Social platform.

In his message, Trump said Georgia's crime rate was terrible, Atlanta's crime rate was the worst and its economy was terrible. Your governor should get off his ass and do something about this, he said.

Trump called the ongoing Georgia election case a travesty and said Kemp could have ended the investigation, but he doesn't want to end it because he's a bad guy.

He then attacked Kemp's wife Marty, saying I didn't want his approval and I didn't want his.

Kemp fired back at on the past. You should do the same, Mr. President, and leave my family out of this.

Days later, Trump said he hoped his fractured relationship with Kemp could be repaired, but that the people are still the people and they are going to vote.

I got (Kemp) elected,” Trump said. He was very bad. When you get someone elected, they are supposed to like you. I have great connections in Georgia. I would love to see (my relationship with Kemp) repaired, Trump said.

Then, on the final night of the Democratic National Convention, as Harris prepared to accept her party's nomination as the first woman of color to lead a major political party in the White House, Kemp appeared on national television and urged voters to support Trump.

We need to send Donald Trump back to the White House, Kemp told Fox News' Sean Hannity. Later in the evening, Trump thanked Kemp for his support in a social media post.

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