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No, Donald Trump is not wading into hurricane floodwaters, you absolute idiots

No, Donald Trump is not wading into hurricane floodwaters, you absolute idiots


Get your waders

An image depicting former President Donald Trump wading through floodwaters alongside a fellow emergency responder went viral on social media this week.

But there's a small problem: the image is an AI-generated fake, as confirmed by several publications.

The image, which shows Trump wearing a life vest and blue jeans as he walks through thigh-deep water, first gained traction on Facebook last weekend.

And it doesn't stand up to almost any level of scrutiny. Trump's right hand is distorted and the letters depicted on both men's clothing are completely illegible.

The former president traveled to some storm-affected areas, but there are no credible reports that the candidate physically dove into floodwaters in jeans, making him just the latest example in date of a highly politicized AI error ahead of next month's presidential elections.

Flooding of slopes

At the time of publishing this article, the image had garnered over ten thousand likes on Facebook.

“I don't think FB wants this photo on FB,” the poster wrote in the caption, implying that the social media giant may have removed the post for political reasons. “They deleted it.”

Despite alleged censorship, the image was shared about 160,000 times in just two days, according to a fact check by USA Today. (The photo is still up on Facebook, although it has been flagged with an “altered photo” warning and a link to independent, third-party fact-checking.)

The image quickly spread to other corners of social media, where users captioned the synthetic image with notes explaining that they “don't want you to see this side of Trump” and messages to leaders for “not telling me how much you care about Americans.” …show me though [sic] your actions.”

The fake image of Trump is one of several AI-generated fake photos that have circulated following the deadly storm, which caused widespread damage in parts of Appalachia.

More and more distant

Other AI-generated images showing alleged hurricane devastation depicted scenes including flooded homes, sad-looking abandoned dogs on rooftops, and men at a barbecue grill in knee-deep water .

Most notably, a widely shared AI image showing a crying young girl holding a puppy in her arms as she evacuated in a canoe made the rounds on X-formerly Twitter, where it was shared multiple times by people right-wing influencers and close Trump allies.

When it comes to the health of our information world, the apparent credibility of these images is troubling. The fact that so many Internet users take images clearly generated by AI at face value is a damning observation of the extent of media illiteracy plaguing the United States today.

Read more about AI and disinformation: Facebook is flooded with crude AI-generated images of Hurricane Helen's devastation




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