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Trkiye will not allow region to be torn apart, says President Erdogan

Trkiye will not allow region to be torn apart, says President Erdogan
Trkiye will not allow region to be torn apart, says President Erdogan


Trkiye will not allow the region to be torn apart again by a new agreement like the Sykes-Picot agreement that divided the Middle East, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Friday.

Signed on May 16, 1916 by Britain and France, the Sykes-Picot Agreement demarcated British and French spheres of influence in the Middle East following the collapse of the Ottoman Empire during the First World War.

“The sinister plan being implemented will not be limited to Gaza, the West Bank and Lebanon. You don't need a prophecy to see where the ultimate goal lies,” Erdogan said at major tech event TEKNOFEST in Trkiye, Adana city, southern Turkey. .

We know very well what the “Promised Land” means. They are almost in a race to challenge Trkiye just 30 kilometers (18.6 miles) away, he said.

We are fully aware of this. With every statement and card they share, the current Israeli administration reveals its true intentions,” the Turkish president said.

He said that every time a ceasefire, peace and stability are envisaged in the region, the Israeli government engages in provocation to sabotage the process.

They are doing everything they can to spread fire across the region, drowning our country in blood and tears, Erdogan said.

We are witnessing a state of madness that delights in killing even infants in their cradle, he said, adding: Despite all these realities, unfortunately, Western powers continue to provide weapons, ammunition, intelligence and diplomatic support for this network of massacres.

It is clear where the thousands of tons of bombs raining down on Gaza and Lebanon come from, where they are produced and who supplies them, the Turkish president said.

Every drop of blood shed is shared equally between those who drop the bombs and those who supply them, he added.

Ignoring a UN Security Council resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire, Israel continued its brutal offensive on the Gaza Strip following an attack by the Palestinian group Hamas on October 7. .

Since then, more than 41,800 people have been killed, mostly women and children, and nearly 96,800 others have been injured, according to local health authorities.

The Israeli attack has displaced almost the entire population of the territory, amid a permanent blockade that has led to serious shortages of food, drinking water and medicine.

Israel also faces a genocide case before the International Court of Justice for its actions in Gaza.

In Israeli attacks in Lebanon, at least 1,947 people were killed, nearly 9,400 injured and 1.2 million others displaced, according to Lebanese authorities.

The international community has warned that Israeli attacks in Lebanon could escalate the Gaza conflict and lead to a wider regional war.




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