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Trump, Kemp to jointly assess damage from Hurricane Helene on Friday

Trump, Kemp to jointly assess damage from Hurricane Helene on Friday
Trump, Kemp to jointly assess damage from Hurricane Helene on Friday


Trump, Kemp tour Georgia storm damage

Former President Donald Trump joined Gov. Brian Kemp for a joint appearance in Augusta. Trump met with first responders, volunteers and others helping with storm recovery efforts. It was his second visit to Georgia this week.

Former President Donald Trump and Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp appeared together in Augusta, signaling a reconciled relationship after Kemp endorsed Trump's second presidential bid. The Augusta event marks Trump's second visit to Georgia in the same week, with a stop earlier in the storm. hit Valdosta. Trump met with people involved in rebuilding efforts following the damage caused by Hurricane Helene in the Augusta area. Unlike Trump's visit, President Biden also reviewed the damage caused by the hurricane in South Georgia, with his administration extending disaster aid to 41 counties. Trump has openly criticized President Biden's response to the crisis, speaking at a joint press conference with Governor Kemp.

EVANS. Georgia – Former President Donald Trump and Governor Brian Kemp appeared together in Augusta for the first time in four years.

Their rocky relationship took a turn when Kemp officially endorsed Trump in his second bid for the White House earlier this year.

Friday's appearance marked Trump's second visit to the state this week.

Trump and Kemp talk about the damage done to Hélène

After touring the damage caused by Hurricane Helene, former President Donald Trump and Governor Brian Kemp held a press conference in Evans about recovery efforts.

On Monday, the former president visited storm-ravaged communities in Valdosta.

Mr. Trump returned to Georgia on Friday to meet with those helping with recovery efforts in the Augusta area.

Republican presidential candidate former U.S. President Donald Trump listens to a question as he visits the Chez What furniture store that was damaged during Hurricane Helene September 30, 2024 in Valdosta, Georgia. (Photo by Michael M. Santiago/Getty I

The visit is Trump's second to areas of Georgia hardest hit by last week's storm. On Monday, he visited Valdosta to see some of the damage and attacked President Biden for his response to the storm.

MORE: Georgia State of Emergency Extended, Gas Tax Suspended During Helene Recovery

Trump tours Valdosta hurricane damage

Former President Donald Trump visited Valdosta on Monday to survey the damage caused by Hurricane Helene.

Trump claimed Biden was “sleeping” and not responding to Georgia Governor Brian Kemp, who he said was “calling the president and couldn't get through to him.” He reiterated that claim during an event with reporters after learning that Kemp said he had spoken to Biden.

Biden was furious at Trump's claims, saying Trump was “lying and the governor told him he was lying.”

MORE: Hurricane Helene: Georgia death toll rises to 33, $417 million in damage reported

The White House previously announced that Biden spoke by phone Sunday evening with Kemp and North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper, as well as Scott Matheson, the mayor of Valdosta, Ga., and the state's chief government officer. Florida Emergency Room, John Louk. Kemp confirmed Monday morning that he had spoken to Biden the day before.

Although Kemp supported Trump in the upcoming presidential election, he has said in recent news conferences that disaster relief should not be politicized and avoid criticizing the Biden administration's handling of the post-conflict recovery. 'hurricane.

“We will work in a bipartisan manner on disaster relief in this state with our federal, state and local partners,” Kemp said.

Last week, Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris traveled to Georgia to survey the damage and talk to residents.

Biden in Valdosta inspecting damage from Storm Helene

President Joe Biden addresses Hurricane Helen relief and recovery efforts in Valdosta

On Thursday, Biden visited Shiloh Pecan Farms, which took a major hit from the storm, losing acres of orchards.

“You’ve been through hell,” Biden said. “Three in a row and I want you to know that I see you; I hear you, I grieve with you and I promise you that we support you.”

At least 215 deaths – 33 in Georgia – in six southeastern states have been attributed to the storm that caused damage from Florida's Gulf Coast to Virginia's Appalachian Mountains. More than 200,000 customers statewide remain without power days after the storm.

The president approved a major disaster declaration for 45 Georgia counties, freeing up federal aid to support local efforts.

The source

Information on this story came from previous reporting by FOX 5, the Trump campaign, the New York Post and the Associated Press.




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