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Everything Elon Musk and Donald Trump said about working together in government

Everything Elon Musk and Donald Trump said about working together in government
Everything Elon Musk and Donald Trump said about working together in government


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Billionaire Elon Musk said he will attend a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, to support Donald Trump as he returns to the scene of an assassination attempt on him this summer. This is the first time Musk will show up to support the Republican presidential candidate in a campaign. in-person event after months of supporting the ex-president and tearing down his opponents online.

Archive photos of Elon Musk, left, and Donald Trump.

AFP via Getty Images Key Facts

Musk said on X, formerly known as Twitter: “I'll be here to support you!” in response to a tweet from Trump calling his upcoming Saturday rally “HISTORIC!” »

Trump's rally is expected to take place at the same location where a bullet grazed his ear and where one of his supporters was killed in July, in an assassination attempt that prompted the Secret Service chief to resign and led to new security precautions for the former president, including while speaking. behind bulletproof glass at future outdoor gatherings.

Musk used the assassination attempt to officially declare his support for Trump for president in 2024, although he called him “not the right person” in 2016, and has since actively campaigned for him in line.

Trump said last month that if re-elected, he would create a government efficiency commission to conduct a comprehensive financial and performance audit of the entire federal government, a plan first proposed by Musk, and said the world's richest person had agreed to lead the task. strength under a Trump administration.

Musk first raised the idea of ​​a commission that would ensure taxpayer dollars are spent wisely during a conversation with the former president in August, which was broadcast live on X, formerly known as Twitter.

After Trump's announcement, Musk responded to a tweet about a Washington Post report that Trump was considering giving him a role in auditing U.S. agencies and identifying government programs to cut, saying he would not couldn't wait and that there was “a lot of waste and unnecessary regulation in” government that must go.

Whether or not Musk will actually be given a role in a Trump administration remains to be seen, but both men have commented on the possibility several times in recent months.

In late August, however, Trump said he would “absolutely” put Musk in his cabinet, but that the business mogul would likely not have time for such a position, suggesting that Musk could instead “consult with the country and give you information. very good ideas.”

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Musk is unlikely to be able to hold public office due to his extensive private business interests. Entrepreneurs seeking government positions typically divest their shares and stakes to avoid conflicts of interest, but Elon Musk is unlikely to be able to divest his massive stakes in companies like Tesla, SpaceX and X without causing major disruption. And because his business interests cut across many sectors, he would likely find himself having to recuse himself regularly to avoid any appearance of conflict.


Trump was often criticized during his presidency for his own conflicts of interest after deciding not to divest his business empire before taking office. The ethics watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington says he committed more than 3,400 violations during his tenure, including visits by foreign officials and political events held at Trump-owned properties, Dozens of foreign trademarks granted to Trump companies and more than 100 events. by special interest groups held in Trump properties. A US public media report found that more than half of Trump's 20 cabinet members during his presidency engaged in “questionable or unethical conduct”, including in relation to their business holdings and their investments.

Key context

The relationship between Musk and Trump has not always been amicable. In the run-up to the 2016 election, Musk said Trump was not the right person to be president before joining and then leaving two of the president's business advisory boards. In 2022, when Musk was trying to buy Twitter, Trump called him a “bullshit artist.” He said Musk would never be able to buy Twitter, and said he had never voted for a Republican after privately telling Trump he had already voted for him. In response, Musk said it was “time for Trump to hang up his hat and sail into the sunset.” At the time, he said Trump was too old to run for president again in 2024 and said he supported Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis. The same year, Musk reinstated Trump's previously banned Twitter account. The two have been repeatedly linked since The New York Times reported that the two had met in March and The Washington Post reported that they had discussed a possible buyout of the Truth Social platform. last year and in July of this year, Musk endorsed Trump for president. Since then, Trump has returned to Twitter for a live interview, Musk has repeatedly attacked his opponent, Vice President Kamala Harris, and Musk has claimed he helped start the pro-Trump America PAC.

Forbes Rating

Musk, who founded Tesla, SpaceX and other companies, was listed Friday as the world's richest person with an estimated net worth of $258.7 billion, more than $50 billion more than the founder of Amazon, Jeff Bezos, the second richest person. Trump had an estimated net worth of $4 billion as of Friday through his stakes in Truth Social's parent company, the Trump Media and Technology Group, his real estate investments and other assets.

Further readingWashington PostTrump considers plan that could give Elon Musk a role in auditing US agenciesForbesTrump suggests he would give Elon Musk a Cabinet post in a second termBy Molly BohannonForbesElon Musk denies discussing Trump's role at White House As Trump Considered Recruiting These Billionaires By Sara DornForbes JD Vance Presses Billionaire Peter Thiel For Campaign Donations: Get Off The Sidelines By Mary Whitfill Roeloffs Forbes Here Are Trump's Top Billionaire Donors By Leo Kamin




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