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Army deployed in Islamabad amid protests by former Pakistan PM Imran Khan's party | World News

Army deployed in Islamabad amid protests by former Pakistan PM Imran Khan's party | World News
Army deployed in Islamabad amid protests by former Pakistan PM Imran Khan's party | World News


Islamabad, Pakistan, army troops were deployed Saturday to provide security as the party of jailed former Prime Minister Imran Khan moved forward with its protest plans.

Army deployed in Islamabad amid protests by former Pakistani PM Imran Khan's party

Mobilized under Article 245 of the Constitution, the army would remain in the city from October 5 to 17 to maintain public order in preparation for the upcoming Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit. Pakistan will host the SCO summit on October 15-16.

The deployment comes as supporters of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf party, led by Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Chief Minister Ali Amin Gandapur, advanced to reach D-Chowk here to stage a protest called by Khan. The PTI is protesting for the release of its founder, Khan, while expressing solidarity with the judiciary.

Khan, a 72-year-old former cricketer turned politician, refused to postpone the protest despite calls from the government.

Adviser to Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Chief Minister for Information Muhammad Ali Saif told Geo News that the army units had been deployed to deal with the ongoing PTI protests in the capital.

He added that the army had been mobilized to provide security for the upcoming SCO summit. We hold Pakistan Army in esteem, he said, asserting that the party has no conflict with the Army.

Meanwhile, the protest caravan led by Gandapur, which started its journey from Swabi region of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa on Friday, reached Buhran in Attock region of Punjab around midnight.

According to Saif, Gandapur will stay overnight and his convoy will resume its journey to D-Chowk on Saturday. “CM Gandapur will arrive at D-Chowk no matter what,” he said.

The authorities have taken strict measures to prevent the PTI from entering the city or going to D-Chowk. All highways leading to the city were blocked and passenger travel was banned, while mobile phone services remained suspended for the second day in a row.

Authorities also imposed Section 144 of the Code of Criminal Procedure in the twin cities of Rawalpindi and Islamabad, banning any political meetings or demonstrations. Article 144 prohibits public gatherings, political assemblies and demonstrations.

Metro bus services connecting the Twin Cities have also been suspended.

Police and paramilitary Rangers were also deployed to arrest protesters. The authorities further strengthened the city's security by deploying regular army troops.

After taking an aerial view of the federal capital on Friday evening, Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi warned that the municipal administration and the police were ready to deal with any possible situation.

No one will be allowed to disrupt public order [in Islamabad]he warned, ordering authorities to deal with disbelievers with iron hands.

Meanwhile, the PTI also called for protests in Lahore, where its supporters were asked to go to Minar-e-Pakistan Park to stage a protest.

The government said it would oppose the move and announced the imposition of Section 144 in the city.

The PTI leadership asked its Lahore chapter to refrain from participating in the D-Chowk protest to avoid arrest and save strength for the Lahore power show.

PTI Punjab Acting President Hammad Azhar, who voluntarily went into hiding, said the people of Lahore would participate in the protest by rejecting the alleged fascism of the provincial government.

This article was generated from an automated news agency feed without modification to the text.




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