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Trump returns to Butler, Pennsylvania, site of assassination attemptExBulletin


Former President Donald Trump is rushed off stage by U.S. Secret Service agents after being grazed by a bullet during a rally July 13, 2024 in Butler, Pennsylvania. Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images .

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Former President Donald Trump returns to Butler, Pennsylvania, on Saturday for a rally at the site where he was nearly killed in a deadly July 13 shooting.

Speaking to NewsNations Ali Bradley this week, Trump said he felt he needed to return to the Pennsylvania city.

I'm going back to Butler because I feel like I have an obligation to go back to Butler. We never finished what we were supposed to do. And I said the day I was shot, I said, “We're coming back.” We will come back.

The event will take place on the grounds of the Butler Farm Show, the same location where the July assassination attempt took place. All signs point to a Trump rally that will be larger and longer than a standard Trump event. What remains to be determined is what incendiary tone Trump will take before a friendly crowd at a site where he narrowly escaped death, or whether he plans a darker message.

When asked what Trump planned for his speech, campaign spokeswoman Karoline Leavitt offered few details.

President Trump looks forward to returning to Butler, Pennsylvania, to honor the victims of this tragic day,” she said in a statement. “The willingness of Pennsylvanians to join President Trump as he returns to Butler represents the strength and resilience of the American people.

Guests will include a shooting survivor, plus Elon Musk

The American flag, which served as the backdrop for a campaign rally for former President Trump, flutters in the wind at the Butler Fairgrounds following the July assassination attempt. Jeff Swensen/Getty Images .

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On Friday, Trump's campaign team sent out a list of more than 60 special guests for the event. They are the family of Corey Comperatore, who died in the July 13 shooting, as well as David Dutch, who was injured in the shooting. (The other person injured that day, James Copenhaver, was not among the guests.)

The list also includes typical Trump rally guests, an array of politicians, local sheriffs and members of the Trump family, as well as some unusual additions. SpaceX CEO Elon Musk will be there, as well as the Frog-X Parachute team, which bills itself as a veteran-owned extreme aerial demonstration team.

All of this makes the gathering an all-day affair. Usually, doors to recent Trump rallies open three or four hours in advance. On Saturday, they will open at 10 a.m. ET, a full seven hours before Trump's speech at 5 p.m. Three hours were allocated before Trump's speech for the pre-program.

The question is what all these people, and especially former President Trump, will have to say about the shooting, let alone last month's apparent assassination attempt in Florida.

In announcing the rally, the Trump campaign struck a positive tone: President Trump will return to the site, joined by tens of thousands of proud citizens, and together they will celebrate a unifying vision for America's future in a event like the world has never known. seen before.

But Trump and his running mate, Ohio Sen. JD Vance, have not followed that tone when speaking about the shooting since then.

Trump and Vance have often blamed their political opponents

Campaign signs and empty water bottles are seen on the ground following the attempted assassination of Butler. Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images .

switch captionAnna Moneymaker/Getty Images

When asked by NewsNations Bradley about his return to Butler, Trump's immediate response was to place blame on the White House for the recent security difficulties.

I think the White House is not treating us very well, he said. I meet crowds 10 times bigger than anyone else, 20 times bigger than anyone else. And had the right to security. The White House is making things very difficult.

A Trump rally in Wisconsin was recently moved indoors due to a shortage of Secret Service officers, a fact Trump has complained about in several recent appearances.

Following the Butler assassination attempt, the Secret Service came under scrutiny for security lapses that allowed a gunman to fire multiple shots in the direction of Trump at Butler , then to a second suspected shooter who managed to get away with it in a few hundred years. meters from Trump on his golf course in West Palm Beach, Florida, on September 15.

The Secret Service has since beefed up Trump's security to the presidential level, and late last month Congress passed an increase in funding for the agency by $231 million.

Meanwhile, Vance blamed Trump's political opponents for recent threats against the former president.

Vance at one point blamed an unknown person for the attempted assassination of Butler.

They couldn't beat him politically, so they tried to bankrupt him, he said at an August rally in Atlanta. They failed to do so and therefore attempted to impeach him. They didn't succeed and so they tried to put him in prison. They even tried to kill him.

During an August appearance on the Full Send podcast, Vance also expressed anger and suggested a partisan conspiracy due to his perception that the assassination attempt had not received sufficient attention.

The people, the top executives, the people who run the search algorithms, are actually a left-wing propaganda machine, he said of Google, which he said was making it harder to find content on the attempted assassination of Butler.

Butler's shooting occurred just two days before the Republican National Convention opened in Milwaukee, and it set an ecstatic tone for the gathering, as attendees celebrated Trump's survival. For a brief period, it looked like the event might reshape racing.

But the shooting had no lasting effects, particularly because a little more than a week later, President Biden withdrew from the presidential race, ultimately passing the torch to Vice President Harris . Since then, the race has been virtually at an impasse.




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