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Trump-approved Bibles meet requirements for Oklahoma schools



Oklahoma is inviting bids for Bible suppliers to provide their products to the state Department of Education and the specific requirements match Bibles approved by former President Donald Trump.

Biblical Parameters Outlined in the State Superintendent's Request for Proposals (RFP) for Public Instructions, Including the Pledge of Allegiance and Declaration of Independence, Live Up Musician Lee Greenwoods God Bless the USA Bible. The RFP requirements also state that Bibles must contain the Old and New Testaments and include copies of the U.S. Constitution.

According to Oklahoma Watch, the offer parameters effectively exclude thousands of Bibles.

The request for proposals document was first reported by Oklahoma Watch in The Oklahoman on Friday.

Greenwood is best known as the musician behind God Bless the USA, a song that has become a staple at Trump rallies. The Bibles sell for $60 online, and thanks to his support, the former president receives a portion of the profits, according to Oklahoma Watch.

Another Bible that meets the requirements, the We The People Bible, costs $90 each. This version was also endorsed by Trump.

Superintendent Ryan Walters' request for proposals is part of his ongoing effort to put Bibles in every classroom. He said every teacher, every classroom in the state will have a Bible in the classroom and will teach from the Bible in the classroom.

Its budget for fiscal year 2026 called for $3 million to fund the purchase of 55,000 copies.

In a statement, Dan Isett, director of communications for the Oklahoma State Department of Education, said the RFP complied with government procurement standards.

Superintendent Walters has engaged the agency in an open and transparent bidding process, consistent with state procurement standards, that will be sufficient to meet the needs of Oklahoma's classrooms, Isett said in a statement to CNN. There are hundreds of Bible publishers and we expect strong competition for this proposition. As the RFP is open and ongoing, it would be inappropriate to comment during bid submission.

But the specificity of the tender process raised eyebrows. Colleen McCarty, an attorney and executive director of the Oklahoma Appleseed Center for Law & Justice, warned in a separate statement that the overall biblical effort risks legal challenges.

The bidding seems fair at first glance, but upon closer examination we can see that there are very few Bibles on the market that would meet these criteria, and all of them were approved by former President Donald Trump, McCarty said in a statement. Ryan Walters continues to waste taxpayer dollars on unconstitutional efforts designed to stir up litigation in pursuit of his political ambitions. This is an affront to the principles enshrined in the Constitution and is emblematic of Ryan Walters' contempt for the rule of law.

Walters attracted considerable attention for a state superintendent. In June, he ordered all public schools to teach both the Bible and the Ten Commandments. He opposed the teaching of LGBTQ issues in the public school system and was described by the New York Times as one of Oklahoma's most outspoken culture warriors. Conservative groups like Project PAC 1776, Moms for Liberty and Americans for Prosperity have endorsed him as a candidate for the top public school job.

As a candidate, Walters focused on culture war issues that are red meat for conservatives, such as opposing the teaching of critical race theory, fighting restrictions on testing guns and opposing abortion rights. He supported Trump almost a year ago.

In an interview Friday, Alicia Andrews, chairwoman of the Oklahoma Democratic Party, said Walters' move as superintendent was intended to attract national attention.

Everything he does is for clickbait, Andrews said in an interview Friday, adding that he's not doing it for what's good for Oklahoma, for what's good for our students.




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