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Khyber Pakhtunkhwa CM Gandapur arrested in Islamabad, says Imran Khan's party

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa CM Gandapur arrested in Islamabad, says Imran Khan's party
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa CM Gandapur arrested in Islamabad, says Imran Khan's party


Islamabad: Jailed former Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan's party on Saturday claimed that Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Chief Minister Ali Amin Gandapur was arrested after he arrived here to participate in his party's protest. However, there is no official confirmation of Gandapur's arrest.

The call to protest was made by Khan, founder of the Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) party, who has been incarcerated in Adiala prison in Rawalpindi for over a year.

The PTI is protesting for Khan's release, to express solidarity with the judiciary and against inflation. According to PTI, after a grueling journey of several hours, Gandapur, who led a caravan of protesters, arrived in Islamabad late Saturday afternoon and headed towards the KP house instead of the planned protest venue , D-Chowk.

The party further said that a “large contingent” of police and paramilitary Rangers had visited the KP House, which is the provincial chief's official residence in the capital, apparently to arrest him.

“KP Chief Minister Ali Amin Gandapur has been arrested from KP House Islamabad,” PTI said in a WhatsApp message. In a post on This blatant abuse of power is deeply shameful and raises serious concerns about the state of lawlessness. in Pakistan. After failing to stop the public from reaching Islamabad, they are now resorting to arresting a chief minister of a province. Earlier today, a district and sessions court in Islamabad issued non-bailable arrest warrants against Gandapur in a case of illegal recovery of arms and liquor.

Judicial Magistrate Mubashir Hussain Zaidi issued the order after Gandapur failed to appear in court regarding the case registered at Barakahu police station.

The court ordered the law enforcement agencies to produce the chief minister by October 12 and adjourned the hearing.

Addressing a press conference on Friday, Information Minister Attaullah Tarar said no one would be allowed to approach Islamabad's red zone and “sabotage the SCO conference”, which will be held peacefully and effectively.

“The solution to the anti-state activities is that the army has been called in; the Rangers are also present; the red zone has been sealed off; and no one can be allowed to take law into their hands,” he said.

Tarar said “there are terrorists in the province (KP) and they are heading towards Islamabad.” He said Gandapur is a “non-serious” man and his actions are destructive to the country and cannot be allowed.

Meanwhile, Defense Minister Khawaja Asif, while interacting with journalists, claimed that the banned terrorist group Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) was an offshoot of the PTI, and accused the political party of having received aid from Afghanistan while his armed supporters “planned” to storm Islamabad.

“PTI is repeating the same action after 10 years. The chief executive of one province is attacking another province,” he said, adding that the government machinery was being used for this attack.

The minister said armed groups including hundreds of Afghan nationals were heading towards the federal capital.




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