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President Joko Widodo leads TNI 79th anniversary commemoration ceremony in Monas

President Joko Widodo leads TNI 79th anniversary commemoration ceremony in Monas
President Joko Widodo leads TNI 79th anniversary commemoration ceremony in Monas


Jakarta, – President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) arrived at the National Monument (Monas), Central Jakarta, to act as ceremonial inspector for the celebration of the 79th anniversary of the Indonesian Armed Forces, Saturday (05/10/2024 ).

President Jokowi arrived at the event venue around 7:30 WIB together with First Lady Iriana Joko Widodo, Gibran Rakabuming Raka and Jan Ethes.

The President was greeted by Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono at the door of the RI-1 presidential car. Then, at the entrance to the Chair of Honor, the President was welcomed by Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto and ranks of TNI-Polri officials.

The opening of the 79th anniversary of the TNI was marked by drumming performances by the students of the military academy and aerial attractions of Cessna and Rajawali Laut in the sky around the Monas area.

After that, the ceremonial troops of 22 battalions of the TNI troops entered the field, followed by the arrival of the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, and the Vice President, Ma'ruf Amin.

This time, TNI Major General Djon Afriandi, who is currently the General Commander of Kopassus, graduated from the Military Academy in 1995, acted as the commander of the TNI 79th anniversary ceremony.

President Jokowi accompanied by TNI Commander Agus Subianto controlled the troops by visiting the ceremony grounds using the Maung Pindad tactical car.

The main event of the 79th anniversary of the TNI, themed “New Archipelago, Advanced Indonesia”, included an official report, awards and presentation of awards.

Subsequently, various demonstrations of TNI joint units, such as free falls, jumpers and fighter jets, amazed the audience.

The event concluded with musical performances by various well-known artists, including Ari Lasso, Dewa 19 and Slank, as well as a tumpeng cutting procession involving the president and community leaders.

Also present at the activity were Vice President Ma'ruf Amin, Puan Maharani, 6th Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia Tri Sutrisno, 10th and 12th Vice Presidents of the Republic of Indonesia Jusuf Kalla, the 11th Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia. Budiono, and the wife of the President of the Republic of Indonesia 4th Abdurrahman Wahid, Sinta Nuriyah Abdurahmman Wahid.

In addition, heads of high state institutions and representatives of ambassadors of friendly countries were also present. (Photo: BPMI Setkab). (Ant)




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