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Imran Khan's protest call and Babar Azam resigns again

Imran Khan's protest call and Babar Azam resigns again
Imran Khan's protest call and Babar Azam resigns again


PTI protests: article 144, mobile and Internet services blocked

In July, the Supreme Court of Pakistan had delivered a verdict legitimizing Imran Khan's PTI's demand for seats reserved for women and minorities. This helped the party increase its numbers in the country's legislature, the National Assembly. However, the implementation of this decision was delayed. In response, earlier this week, PTI founder Imran Khan, who is still incarcerated, called on his supporters to gather for a peaceful protest in various cities across the country, including Islamabad, Lahore and others in Punjab.

Apart from protesting against the delay in implementation, PTI leaders also claim that the autonomy of the judiciary is being compromised. Ahead of the Islamabad rally, mobile and internet services were shut down, all entry and exit points blocked and Section 144 imposed in various other cities. Protesters clashed with armed forces in Islamabad last night and are expected to demonstrate in Lahore today.

The Nation (September 30) criticizes the government for its failure to engage in dialogue, contributing to a growing sense of public disillusionment, and demands that leaders end the protests.

The editorial states: If political actors continue to prioritize personal power plays over national interests, the country risks further damage to its global reputation and internal stability. Failure to address the root causes of discontent and unrest could lead to a situation spiraling out of control.

Historic SC ruling on Section 63A

On October 3, the Supreme Court delivered a historic verdict on the interpretation of Article 63A of the Constitution. This clause prohibited lawmakers from voting across party lines. The latest decision by a five-member bench of the Supreme Court, led by Chief Justice Qazi Faez Esa, overturned a 2022 judgment that restricted the rights of parliamentarians and restored their autonomy. According to Dawn (October 5), this verdict corrects a constitutional error.

While the decision was unanimously welcomed by the press, questions remain about the timing and haste with which it was adopted. Indeed, the ability of lawmakers to vote across party lines currently appears to benefit the ruling establishment.

Express Tribune (October 4) says: Although the correction is now constitutional, it has reignited fears that allowing a conscience vote vulnerable to manipulation would reopen the door to party switching.

While the freedom of the judiciary has been repeatedly questioned in recent years, Dawn (October 5) points out that even if the judgment rights a past wrong, it risks being seen as furthering a myopic political agenda. Such a perception could further erode public confidence in the justice system, particularly in a climate already marked by accusations of political maneuvering.

Agreeing with Dawn, News International (October 4) weighs the pros and cons of this judgment and concludes its editorial by saying: While this verdict marks the end of a damaging chapter in which party discipline prevailed over individual autonomy, it also signals the beginning of another. : a renewed debate on how to find the right balance between the powers of the judiciary, the legislature and the executive.

Babar Azam resigns as captain

For the second time in less than a year, Pakistani cricketer Babar Azam has resigned this time from his post as white-ball captain. Although Azam resigned last year after Pakistan's dire run in the ODI World Cup, the Pakistan Cricket Board reinstated him in March. When he was named captain in 2019, Azam proved his mettle by providing stability to the team. But since then, his leadership has been criticized due to the team's declining performance.

The Daily Times (October 4) believes that this chaos is symptomatic of a larger problem in Pakistan cricket: “This should serve as a wake-up call to the CPC to tackle its internal problems. While the blame for Pakistan's recent failures cannot be placed solely on Babar Azam, the board's policies and lack of clear direction have played a significant role in the team's decline.

Dawn (October 3) hopes that Azam's resignation will benefit him and the team with an improvement in his performance as the pressure of captaincy is taken away from him: perhaps Babar will return to his best now that he has shed the weight of captaincy, strengthening a team whose fortunes have been faltering of late.




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