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Trump shows off watches, cryptocurrencies and his wife's book in final weeks of campaign

Trump shows off watches, cryptocurrencies and his wife's book in final weeks of campaign
Trump shows off watches, cryptocurrencies and his wife's book in final weeks of campaign


A new cryptocurrency platform. An upcoming memoir written by his wife. A set of NFT trading cards. Watches that cost up to $100,000.

With the November election just weeks away, former President Donald Trump has begun promoting products and companies that have no connection to his presidential campaign.

You will love them, Trump wrote last week on his Truth Social platform about his new line of designer watches, which cost between $499 and $100,000. They are offered through a provider who has entered into a licensing agreement with them. Would make a great Christmas gift.

While running for president this cycle, Trump also promoted a brand of sneakers, boots and even Bibles, all of which are businesses and not campaign projects. He has long mixed business and politics; Before his years-long legal battles, these potential conflicts of interest received far more attention.

But Trump's promotion of his business interests again in the final weeks of the campaign is leading his Democratic rivals to say it's proof he's not focused, and even some of his allies say the effort isn't is not wise.

I think he's distracted, Colorado Gov. Jared Polis, a Democrat, told NBC News. He's lost his message and he's probably focused on what happens after he loses the presidential election, which is continuing to try to perpetuate these risky schemes on people for his own gain.

Reached for comment, a Trump campaign official said they were all outside companies, adding that no profits came to the campaign.

For the former president's supporters, the focus on these other companies is unlikely to change their opinion of him, even though Trump faced conservative backlash in 2022 when he announced for office. first time an NFT line, presenting it as a MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT shortly after its launch. his candidacy for re-election.

That doesn't worry me too much, said Rep. Byron Donalds, R-Fla. Donald Trump is a businessman first, second and third. But his main goal, his number one, two, three, four, five goal, is to run for president and make our country great again. That's his goal.

Everyone has things that are personally involved, he added. You have members of Congress who write books and then promote them. So, I mean, it doesn't really concern me.

But others felt it highlighted a larger problem with the state of Trump's candidacy, particularly the lack of difficult conversations.

It's just the lack of discipline around him right now, a Trump ally said. No one tells him no very clearly. Do I think a single Trump voter in America isn't voting for him because of all this? Absolutely no. But they still don't have [really] told people [why] Kamala Harris would be a bad president. And it seems like that should probably be the messaging priority.

Over the past week, Trump has tweeted about how he promised to make America great again, this time with crypto, announcing that his new platform, World Liberty Financial, has now opened a whitelist for eligible people. And ahead of the release of former first lady Melania Trump's new book, Melania, Trump promoted a link to his website calling on his supporters to buy your copy today.

In February, Trump attended a shoe convention in Philadelphia to announce the release of a new line of Trump-branded sneakers. Meanwhile, his latest financial disclosure showed he made $300,000 from the Trump-branded Bibles he promoted earlier this year. That same financial disclosure revealed that he made approximately $7.2 million from the NFTs he promoted.

The Harris campaign sees Trump's efforts during the campaign as reinforcing a key part of its message about him: that he is more focused on helping himself than helping voters.

“He's making the case for our campaign,” a Harris campaign official said. And he shows the American people what he cares about, day in and day out. Well, let that speak for itself.

Describing the commercial ventures as a scam, the official went further, saying of Trump's latest branded product: “It's objectively an ugly watch.”

Long before entering politics, Trump had promoted similar product lines, from Trump Steaks to Trump Vodka. Trump ended up paying a $25 million settlement to students at Trump University, the former president's real estate education company, who said they were misled.

Trump's new surveillance row helped resurface remarks Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., made during a 2016 GOP primary debate, during which Rubio said Trump inherited hundreds of millions dollars and if he hadn't done it, you know where he would be. right away? Selling watches in Manhattan.

He wants to go all out and throw everything at the wall, the Trump ally said. Sometimes it's good. Sometimes this is not the case. Sometimes it helps you. Sometimes we would release NFTs or whatever.

No one says, Hey, sir, why don't we do this now? » added this person. And that seems to be the only reasonable explanation for this at the moment.




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