Less hurry, more speed will see Labor win the race to fix 21st century Britain | Philippe Inman
There is an air of panic about how to fix Britain. We must act quickly, change the situation and climb the rankings of rich countries. Investment is needed in new projects to make the UK modern and its services delivered on time.
It is a political imperative that galvanized Boris Johnson and then propelled Liz Truss from obscurity to become an almost revolutionary prime minister.
Today, the same pressure is exerted on Rachel Reeves. It will not be enough for the new chancellor to say, when she stands up to present her budget statement on October 30, that there is not 10 billion more or 20 billion more than was initially planned to be spent , but 50 billion, which is the widely touted sum that will be available after a rewriting of the budgetary rules. This money will all be spent on new things, to show what 21st century Britain will look like under Labour.
It's natural for any politician who feels the need to cut ribbons and set aside time for a photo op to focus on freshly conceived infrastructure projects. Politicians of all stripes found themselves willing to ignore the blighted corners of their cities to focus on brighter prospects elsewhere.
In London this meant building the Elizabeth line while the Bakerloo continued to collapse. North of the capital, this meant building an HS2 high-speed line when a normally fast line would suffice and leaving little money available for an upgrade of existing tracks on the much-neglected northern section of the rail network.
Plans for new roads ignore the extent to which the tarmac is wearing out and potholes are appearing almost everywhere else in the country.
It's an argument for what the UK has already built, whether it's a software network, a bridge or providing a 21st century school, before it begins to think about building new infrastructure.
Soft networks are slowing down because the backbone of the UK's broadband network is weak and needs strengthening. State-run software systems need additional cybersecurity protection, as the recent attacks on the British Library and Transport for London have illustrated. And they also need integration, something all health ministers know and have so far chosen to ignore.
In the healthcare industry, a program to integrate disparate IT systems is perhaps the most urgent task of all. This is not to say that plans for new UK hospitals are irrelevant to its success, but the sclerotic nature of NHS IT deprives the existing 930 hospitals of the capacity to provide a decent service across all departments.
The danger always is that ministers will find upgrading and maintaining the existing infrastructure stock a thankless task.
So far, the noises coming from the new government are encouraging. It appears Labor will attempt to link the blocked HS2 line at both ends, digging the tunnels in London that will take the tracks to Euston while paving the way for a better line north from Birmingham to Manchester and beyond. beyond (what the conservatives have abandoned). ).
It is hoped that many of the more extravagant road projects will be abandoned in favor of better maintenance. Money could also be directed north to revitalize the Northern Railways. And the NHS is to undergo an overhaul which will include an overhaul of its IT infrastructure. This is the prospect of hope that awaits us.
The double danger is that Labor is moving too quickly now that it has the levers of power in both hands, and is doing so without examining how the policy-making process has fractured in Whitehall, with little debate and accountability , leaving projects permanently adrift.
At the Bristols Festival of Economics gathering last week, Gavin Kelly said one of his biggest fears was this. After a break since the election, Labor would feel the need to find solutions to long-standing problems, leading to hastily drawn up policies which, after a short time, would prove insufficient.
Kelly is a former No 10 policy adviser and chairman of the Resolution Foundation think tank, who will from next year lead the Nuffield Foundation, one of the UK's biggest research funders.
His concern is reflected in an article for the United Kingdom in a changing Europe a think tank which advocates for greater public involvement and reliance on evidence of the type produced by Nuffield.
The academics who wrote the paper say Labor's early signs indicate a commitment to ideas such as radical pragmatism and a push for stability before more ambitious change. In other words, it is recognized that hasty policy is doomed to be undone by poor planning and a lack of public support.
It's best to approach life at a measured pace. Let’s hope the Labor leadership agrees.
Sources 2/ https://www.theguardian.com/business/2024/oct/05/less-haste-more-speed-will-win-labour-the-race-to-fix-21st-century-britain The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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