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Xi ignores China's economic woes

Xi ignores China's economic woes
Xi ignores China's economic woes


By strengthening his grip on power, Xi aims to ensure that the CCP remains unchallenged.

As China faces the most severe economic challenges since the Maoist era, President Xi Jinping's policy priorities have become increasingly clear: consolidating power and ensuring the supremacy of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in the resolution economic problems of the country.

Xi's tenure has been marked by significant centralization of power. He systematically dismantled the model of collective leadership that characterized the administrations of his predecessors, instead consolidating authority in his own hands. This centralization extends to the economy, where state-owned enterprises are favored over private ones, and the CCP's influence permeates all sectors.

By strengthening his grip on power, Xi aims to ensure that the CCP remains unchallenged. This involves not only controlling the economy, but also suppressing dissent, censoring the media and limiting the influence of civil society. The recent crackdown on tech giants and private companies demonstrates Xi's determination to bring all significant economic players under party control.

Xi's policy priorities are also deeply tied to his vision of national security. For Xi, national security is synonymous with the security of the CCP. This perspective has led to an emphasis on ideological control and promotion of the CCP's ideology as a means of maintaining social stability and loyalty to the party.

The CCP's propaganda apparatus has been mobilized to reinforce Xi's vision, promoting nationalism and the party's achievements while downplaying economic hardship. This ideological control extends to education, media, and even the Internet, where censorship and surveillance are used to prevent the spread of dissenting opinions.

On the international stage, Xi's political priorities are manifested in a more assertive and sometimes confrontational foreign policy. By projecting strength abroad, Xi aims to boost national pride and distract from domestic economic problems. This approach includes a more aggressive stance toward Taiwan, an increased military presence in the South China Sea, and a strong response to perceived foreign interference.

Nationalism is a key tool of Xi's political strategy. By fostering a sense of national pride and unity, Xi seeks to rally the Chinese people around the CCP and its leaders. This nationalism often serves to distract from economic shortcomings and reinforce the narrative that the CCP is the guardian of China's resurgence on the world stage.
Xi's policy priorities also include a relentless focus on suppressing dissent and maintaining control over the population. The CCP's extensive surveillance network, coupled with strict censorship and an authoritarian approach to protests, ensures that any potential challenges to Xi's authority will be quickly addressed.

The recent increase in protests over labor and housing issues, as well as the exodus of wealthy individuals, highlight growing discontent in China. However, rather than addressing the root causes of these problems, Xi's response has been to further tighten control, solidifying the CCP's dominance and suppressing any signs of dissent.
Xi Jinping's policy priorities are clear: consolidate power, ensure the supremacy of the CCP, and maintain control over all aspects of Chinese society. This focus on political stability and control comes at the expense of much-needed economic reforms. While China's economic challenges persist, Xi's unwavering commitment to these policy priorities suggests that significant changes in the PRC's government, economic policies, or foreign relations are unlikely in the near future. Instead, we can expect Xi to continue to prioritize political control over economic prosperity, with far-reaching implications for China and the world.

The nephew of the Dalai Lamas, Khedroob Thondup is a geopolitical analyst.




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