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Donald Trump and JD Vance obtain decision from Ohio judges

Donald Trump and JD Vance obtain decision from Ohio judges
Donald Trump and JD Vance obtain decision from Ohio judges


In response to a criminal complaint filed by a nonprofit organization, an Ohio judicial panel decided Saturday not to issue arrest warrants for former President Donald Trump and his running mate JD Vance after they aired false claims that Haitian migrants were eating pets in Springfield, Ohio.

During his debate against Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic presidential nominee, last month, Trump, the Republican nominee, reiterated his claim that Haitian migrants in Springfield were “eating the pets.” Vance, a U.S. senator from Ohio, also spread this false claim. Meanwhile, ABC News moderator David Muir fact-checked Trump during the Sept. 10 debate and officials in Springfield repeatedly denied the claims.

These false claims threaten the safety of not only Springfield's Haitian community, but the entire city. Bomb threats were made in Springfield following false allegations, leading to the closure of schools and municipal buildings.

Amid the fallout, a nonprofit called the Haitian Bridge Alliance (HBA), which advocates for fair and humane immigration policies, filed a criminal complaint against Trump and Vance, but on Saturday the Municipal Court of Clark County announced it found no probable cause to do so. issue arrest warrants or summons for misdemeanor charges as the Haitian group has requested.

The court, however, sent the case back to county prosecutors.

“The conclusion as to the existence of the evidence and causation necessary for the existence of probable cause to prosecute the alleged offenses is best left in the hands of the prosecution,” the lawyers wrote. judges in their decision.

Former President Donald Trump and Sen. JD Vance are seen July 15 in Milwaukee. In response to a criminal complaint filed by a nonprofit organization, an Ohio judicial committee decided Saturday not to issue a complaint… Former President Donald Trump and Sen. JD Vance are seen July 15 in Milwaukee. In response to a criminal complaint filed by a nonprofit organization, an Ohio judicial panel decided Saturday not to issue arrest warrants for Trump and his running mate Vance after they spread false claims that migrants Haitians ate domestic animals in Springfield, Ohio. More from Win McNamee/Getty Images

The HBA case includes charges of misdemeanor panic, disruption of public services, false alarms, two counts of aiding and abetting, two counts of telecommunications harassment and aggravated menacing.

The justices who reviewed the case said special attention should be given “to the strong constitutional protections afforded to speech, and political speech in particular,” adding that because of the proximity of the election and the “controversial” nature of the immigration issue, “the Court cannot automatically presume the good faith of affidavits.”

Steven Cheung, Trump's communications director, told the Associated Press that the former president was “rightly highlighting the failure of the immigration system that [Vice President] Kamala Harris has overseen the arrival of thousands of illegal immigrants into communities like Springfield and many others across the country. »

Trump and other Republicans have accused Harris of failing to act on immigration and border security as vice president, dubbing him President Joe Biden's “border czar.” At the time, Biden tasked Harris with leading the administration's diplomacy with Central American countries — El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras — to address the “root causes” of migration. However, she was never in charge of border security.

Newsweek contacted Cheung, Vance's office and the Haitian Bridge Alliance by email for comment Saturday afternoon.

In an updated filing, the HBA asserts that “Trump and Vance's refusals to stop [spreading false claims]despite the chaos they inflicted and the pleas of the governor and mayor, highlights their criminal purpose in spreading these lies. Chaos was the goal, and the First Amendment provides no protection for this campaign of criminal conduct. »

Republican Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine and Republican Springfield Mayor Rob Rue have also denied claims that Haitian immigrants were eating pets in Springfield.

In recent years, approximately 15,000 to 20,000 Haitian immigrants have arrived in Springfield, many of them recruited for local jobs, and granted “temporary protected status” to remain legally in the United States.

Illegal immigration is a hot topic, particularly among Republicans, as illegal crossings at the U.S.-Mexico border have increased in recent years. However, the number of contacts with U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) decreased significantly between December, which recorded more than 300,000 contacts, and August, which recorded more than 100,000 contacts.

Republicans largely blame the Biden-Harris administration for the situation at the southern border, as illegal crossings have increased significantly under Biden. However, crossings also increased in the final months of Trump's term after hitting a low point due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

“It is crucial to foster discussions on sensitive issues, particularly those surrounding immigration, with a commitment to truth and integrity,” Springfield officials said Saturday in a statement announcing the decision. Clark County Municipal Court.

City officials also said in the statement that they were “committed to promoting constructive dialogue and transparently addressing community concerns,” adding that “the safety and well-being of all residents, including the Haitian immigrant community, remain our top priority.”




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