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Elon Musk spoke at a Trump rally, referenced 'Dark MAGA' and urged his supporters to vote

Elon Musk spoke at a Trump rally, referenced 'Dark MAGA' and urged his supporters to vote
Elon Musk spoke at a Trump rally, referenced 'Dark MAGA' and urged his supporters to vote


In Butler, Pennsylvania, a billboard read In Musk We Trust. A Tesla Cybertruck parked on the side of the road displayed a TRUMP 2024 flag.

With the presidential campaign a month away, former President Donald Trump returned to Butler for a rally less than three months after the attempted assassination of Trump that resulted in the death of a rally attendee. This time, Trump was joined by X owner Elon Musk and vice presidential candidate JD Vance.

Welcome to Butler, Mr. President, read a message in Trump's video presentation.

When Trump began speaking, the same chart about illegal immigration that he was referring to moments before the assassination attempt appeared on the screen. And like I said, Trump said it. He had timed this moment to occur at precisely 6:11 p.m., which is when he was shot in the ear on July 13. He also observed a minute of silence to honor those injured or killed in the July assassination attempt. Opera singer Christopher Macchio sang Ave Maria, and people in the crowd took off their hats, wiped their eyes and some even knelt as Trump looked on solemnly.

Over the past eight years, those who want to prevent us from achieving this future have slandered me, indicted me, indicted me, tried to exclude me from the polls, and who knows? Maybe even try to kill me, Trump said, launching the conspiracy theory that the assassination attempt was orchestrated by his political opponents. 12 weeks ago, we all took a bullet for America.

Trump then invited Musk on stage. The owner of X walked with a black blazer over a shirt saying Occupy Mars and a black MAGA hat. As you can see, I'm not just MAGA, Musk said. I'm dark MAGA. Dark MAGA is a memecoin, a type of cryptocurrency inspired by online trends. Dark MAGA's valuation skyrocketed just as Musk spoke.

Musk repeatedly implored members of the public and viewers to register to vote. This election is the most important election of our lifetime, Musk said. This is no ordinary election.

He concluded his brief speech with a worrying message: Ask everyone you know and everyone you don't know to register to vote, he said. If they don't, it will be the last election. This is my prediction.

Musk's participation in Saturday's rally marked a major step in his political evolution. Following the assassination attempt on Trump in Butler, Musk posted on X that he had decided to fully support the former president and shortly after announced the creation of a political action committee (PAC ) to support Trump's campaign. Musk initially announced he would donate $45 million per month to the PAC, although he has since changed his mind. Musk also hosted Trump for a problematic live chat on X Spaces in August.

Musk was previously an Obama, Clinton and Biden voter who donated to politicians on both sides of the aisle, but presented himself as someone who generally tried to stay out of politics. At a Vanity Fair event in 2015, Musk said he hoped Trump wouldn't win the Republican nomination for president because it wouldn't be good and would be a bit embarrassing. He also told CNBC that he didn't think Trump had the kind of character that reflects well on the United States while expressing support for Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton's policy agenda. In 2017, Musk donated significant sums to Republicans, signaling a possible rightward shift in his political vision. And in 2020, he bamboozled many of his fans with a cryptic message on Twitter: Take the red pill.




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