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Former Tory defense secretary BLOCKED release of British mother held in Iran, reveals Boris Johnson

Former Tory defense secretary BLOCKED release of British mother held in Iran, reveals Boris Johnson
Former Tory defense secretary BLOCKED release of British mother held in Iran, reveals Boris Johnson


Boris Johnson has claimed that Sir Gavin Williamson vetoed a deal to repatriate Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe from Iran five years before his final release.

The former prime minister said during a visit to Tehran as foreign secretary in December 2017 that he had reached a deal to secure his release in exchange for the 400 million the UK owed to him. Iran since the 1970s.

While the Treasury and Foreign Office signed the deal, Defense Secretary and South Staffordshire MP Sir Gavin blocked the deal on the grounds that the money could be used to fund the terrorist group Hezbollah supported by Iran.

Zaghari-Ratcliffe was finally released in March 2022 when Johnson, as Prime Minister, used his executive power to revive the deal.

Zaghari-Ratcliffe was released in March 2022

Zaghari-Ratcliffe was released in March 2022


In April 2016, the Iranian-British dual national was arrested in Iran as she prepared to return to London after visiting her parents in Tehran, because she had been falsely accused of espionage by the authorities.

Boris Johnson appeared before Parliament's Foreign Affairs Select Committee as Foreign Secretary in November 2017 and falsely claimed that Zaghari-Ratcliffe had traveled to Iran to train journalists.

Johnson has been accused of making her situation worse because the training of independent journalists in Iran is considered sedition.

In his new memoir, Unleashed, Johnson claims this did not result in any new charges against Zaghari-Ratcliffe and his prison sentence was not extended, but he traveled to Tehran the following month, determined to take her home.

He added that Zaghari-Ratcliffe was “trapped by one of those little power plays that are part of British politics”.

Richard Ratcliffe and his wife Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe\u200b

Richard Ratcliffe and his wife Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe


In 1979, the Shah of Iran placed an order for 400 million British tanks and armored vehicles shortly before being deposed by Ayatollah Khomeini. This meant that the order was never fulfilled and the money had since remained in an escrow account, and the Iranians wanted it back.

Johnson suggested he could arrange for the money to be returned, although there could be no official link to the Zaghari-Ratcliffe affair.

Johnson wrote: “I went to see President Rouhani in his mirror-walled palace and we sat in small chairs facing each other, like a television interview. He was a beaming, soft-spoken man who seemed to have fond memories of his time at university in Glasgow.

After suggesting that the 400m could be used, Johnson writes: “Yes, [Rouhani] said nodding and smiling, there could be no connection, but perhaps consular matters could be resolved. I left the meeting elated. I was sure that Rouhani was sincere and that we had an agreement.

\u200bGavin Williamson

Gavin Williamson reportedly blocked the deal


However, on his return to London and after discussing the deal with the then Prime Minister Theresa May, he was met with objection from the Ministry of Defence, with Sir Gavin saying: “I don't will not send money to Hezbollah so they can buy weapons to kill our boys. »

Johnson writes: “It was no use. I have always been friends with Gavin, who is an avid student of politics and power, and I could see what was really going on. As Nazanin languished in Iranian captivity, and Although many blamed me, there were quite a few people who relished in my moral torment, notably, I suppose, in issue 10.”

However, when Johnson became prime minister in 2019, he said he faced other problems because, as he writes, “even then, at the last minute, the White House tried to prevent you from handing over the money” and the banks did not want to touch it. money for fear of being a victim of international sanctions against Tehran and being prosecuted by American courts.

Johnson remains secretive about how the money ended up being transferred, saying only that someone at the Foreign Office had found a solution and that “it involved the Post Office savings bank.”




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