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Who are the Jokowi Alap-alap volunteers who installed the Jokowi Teacher of the Nation billboard?

Who are the Jokowi Alap-alap volunteers who installed the Jokowi Teacher of the Nation billboard?
Who are the Jokowi Alap-alap volunteers who installed the Jokowi Teacher of the Nation billboard?


TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Recently, billboards depict President Joko Widodo or Jokowi and First Lady Iriana Jokowi installed at Jalan Adi Sucipto, Colomadu District, Karanganyar Regency, Central Java. General chairman of the Jokowi Alap-Alap Volunteers, Muhammad Isnaini, confirmed that his group was responsible for installing the billboards.

Isnaini said the installation of the billboard was a form of appreciation and gratitude to Jokowi and Iriana Jokowi for their contribution. The billboard is designed with a blue background, with the words “Alap-Alap Jokowi” at the top. At the bottom, there is a message thanking Jokowi and Iriana with the hope that they will remain “Teachers of the Nation”.

“Just a thank you because of our pride,” replied Isnaini Tempo when asked for confirmation regarding installation Jokowi's billboards this, Friday October 4, 2024. “And we are honored to be his volunteers,” he said.

Jokowi Alap-alap Volunteer Profile

Alap-Alap Jokowi is the name of Jokowi's support group volunteers who actively defend and promote his policies, both on social media and in the real world. The name “alap-alap,” which refers to a bird of prey, describes their aggressive and persistent attitude towards criticism of Jokowi. They were not only active during the campaign period, but also continue to support him until today, even after Jokowi nears the end of his term.

This network of volunteers was officially formed in 2015, after Jokowi's victory in the 2014 presidential election. Many of them started getting involved since Jokowi ran in the DKI Jakarta regional elections in 2012. Jokowi's Alap-Alap occurs in various regions of Indonesia, including. such as Papua, Sulawesi, Java and others, with the aim of building a network of independent and committed volunteers.

This group of volunteers last held their first national meeting (Munas) in Karanganyar, Central Java on Saturday, July 27, 2024. This event introduced the ideology of “Jokowism” as the vision of the organization.

Muhammad Isnaini, General President of the AAJ, in his official statement received in Jakarta on Tuesday, revealed that President Joko Widodo, as the main patron of the organization, was present to open the National Conference. Isnaini stressed that this national conference was more than just a ceremonial event, but rather a serious effort to strengthen the volunteer network based on the ideology of Jokowism.

Isnaini also emphasized that AAJ does not want its volunteers to be active only during political moments, such as presidential or regional elections, but to continue to be involved in community empowerment. Later, at the National Conference, a number of speakers will share their knowledge on community empowerment in the implementation of Jokowism.

Apart from this, rural areas will be the focus, given that the majority of AAJ members come from rural areas. The volunteer station will be transformed into a village literacy center, which will be a concrete step in strengthening the local community base.

Kaesang Pangarep, general chairman of the Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI) and son of Jokowi, delivered a political speech at the event. This first national conference was held in De Tjolomadoe, Karanganyar, and brought together approximately 2,000 participants, representatives of AAJ posts throughout Indonesia.


Editor's choice: during the holding of a national conference, Jokowi Alap-Alap volunteers deny that there was an instruction from the head of state




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