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Elon Musk joined Donald Trump at campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania

Elon Musk joined Donald Trump at campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania


Elon Musk joined Donald Trump on stage at a rally in Pennsylvania. Musk said voter turnout for Trump was paramount because “this will be the last election.” The event took place at the same location where a gunman nearly assassinated Trump in July. .

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Donald Trump has a new headliner: Elon Musk.

The billionaire owner of some of the world's biggest companies spoke at the former president's high-profile rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, the same location where Trump was nearly assassinated in July.

Taking the stage alongside Trump, Musk repeatedly jumped in the air and raised his fist while wearing an all-black “Make America Great Again” hat and his signature “Occupy Mars” shirt.

“As you can see, I’m not just MAGA, I’m dark MAGA,” Musk joked.

He then compared Trump to President Joe Biden, saying Biden “couldn't walk up a flight of stairs” while Trump “raised his fist after getting shot,” referencing the July assassination attempt that left former president injured in ear.

“So who do you want to represent America?” Musk asked, drawing applause and chants of Trump's name.

During his brief appearance, Musk warned that voter turnout favorable to the former president was paramount this year, otherwise “this will be the last election.” He said “the other side” wanted to suppress free speech, the right to bear arms and “effectively, the right to vote.”

“President Trump must win to preserve the Constitution,” Musk said during his speech. “He must win to preserve democracy in America.”

Musk and Trump campaign representatives did not immediately respond to Business Insider's requests for comment.

In a Trump campaign press release issued before the event, Musk was listed among the attendees just after Trump's immediate family, but before his running mate, JD Vance, in an apparent nod to the importance that the campaign credits Musk's presence at the event.

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The rally took place at the same venue, the Butler Farm Show Grounds, where on July 13 a gunman managed to stab Trump in the ear in what was by far the most dramatic moment of a campaign season historic presidential election.

Immediately after the shooting, Musk officially supported Trump. He has been a vocal supporter ever since, primarily through posts on X, applauding the former president and criticizing his Democratic opponent, Vice President Kamala Harris, almost daily.

Musk attended a meeting at the White House with other business leaders early in Trump's presidency. The Washington Post

But Musk and Trump weren't always so friendly. In 2015, Musk said it would be “a little embarrassing” if Trump won the Republican presidential nomination. And in 2016, he said Trump was “not the right person” for the presidency. As president-elect in late 2016, Trump announced that Musk would join his economic advisory council, but Musk later cut ties with the administration over disagreements over climate change policies.

The two found common ground in 2020 while opposing COVID-19 regulations, but their feud intensified in July 2022. At a Trump rally, Trump called Musk a “bullshit artist,” after which Musk suggested that Trump should not run for president again. Trump fired back, saying Musk was worthless without government subsidies and that Trump could have previously forced Musk to his knees for government support.

Despite their on-and-off relationship, Musk has been fairly consistent in his support of Republican causes. Musk has donated millions of dollars to conservative campaigns over the years, including at least $10 million to Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who vied with Trump for the Republican Party nomination. Musk supported DeSantis and interviewed him live on X as he launched his campaign, although the launch was riddled with problems and mercilessly mocked by Trump.

The relationship between the two has now completely changed. Musk is now one of the president's most prominent supporters. Musk funded a pro-Trump super PAC, which donated millions of dollars to Republican races and launched ads touting Trump as the only option to “save America.”

And in August, Trump said he would offer Musk a cabinet position, calling him a “brilliant guy.” Musk said he would accept in an article on X, imagining himself responsible for “government efficiency.”




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