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Erdogan criticizes Israel for exploiting regional conflicts to promote its “own territorial ambitions”

Erdogan criticizes Israel for exploiting regional conflicts to promote its “own territorial ambitions”
Erdogan criticizes Israel for exploiting regional conflicts to promote its “own territorial ambitions”


Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has sharply criticized Israel, accusing the country of exploiting regional conflicts to legitimize its policy of “occupation and expansion” in the Palestinian territories.

Speaking at a ruling AK Party event in Istanbul, Erdogan claimed that conflicts in Yemen, Syria and Iran were being used as mere pretexts by Israel to justify its actions.

Erdogan's comments come amid heightened tensions in the Middle East, particularly after nearly a year of Israel's intensified bombing of Gaza.

“The Israeli government finds new justifications every day to legitimize its policies of occupation and invasion,” Erdogan said.

He also stressed that Turkey remains steadfast in its support for the Palestinians, calling for international action to address what he described as continued violations by Israel.

Erdogan accused Western countries of remaining silent on Israeli policies because of their historical culpability in the Holocaust. He urged Israel's diehard supporters in the West to reevaluate their positions and adopt a more rational approach to Middle East diplomacy.

“The fire started by the bloodthirsty Israeli government will not only consume this region but will also reach you,” Erdogan warned.

The Turkish president reiterated that Turkey is the only nation to have imposed economic sanctions on Israel and called on the entire Islamic world to follow suit.

He stressed that taking economic and trade measures against Israeli aggression is not just a choice but a moral obligation.

Erdogan highlighted the resilience of Palestinians, particularly in Gaza, in the face of Israeli military actions.

Referring to the Israeli offensive which began almost a year ago, on October 7, 2023, Erdogan praised the “heroic” resistance of the people of Gaza despite the hardships they endured.

He stressed that Turkey would continue to support Gaza in all possible ways, reaffirming the country's strong opposition to Israeli policies.

“We are firmly at the same point today as we have been since day one,” Erdogan said, underscoring Turkey's long-standing position.

He added that Turkey's message to the international community in forums like the United Nations remains consistent with its domestic rhetoric.

A new wave of Israeli airstrikes targeted Beirut's southern suburbs, causing massive explosions that shook the Lebanese capital. Flames shot into the sky and explosions echoed throughout the city, according to local correspondents.

In Gaza, Israeli forces bombed a mosque in Deir el-Balah, killing at least 21 Palestinians and injuring dozens more, further worsening the humanitarian crisis in the region.

In the meantime, Hezbollah has lost contact with Hashem Safieddine, the president of its executive council, according to a Lebanese security source.

Safieddine is seen as a potential successor to current Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah.

The circumstances of his disappearance have remained unclear since last Friday.

As the first anniversary of the conflict approaches in October 2023, tens of thousands of protesters have taken to the streets of major cities, including Paris, New York and Cape Town, to demand an end to the war between Israel and Gaza.

In another development, the Israeli army expanded the “humanitarian zone” in al-Mawasi, southern Gaza, which includes field hospitals and emergency shelters.

However, reports indicate that despite its humanitarian designation, Israeli forces have repeatedly bombed displaced persons camps in al-Mawasi, causing more Palestinian casualties.

Since October 2023, Gaza has seen more than 41,800 deaths and 96,910 injuries due to Israeli attacks.

Turkey and Israel have had turbulent relations over the years, marked by moments of cooperation and sharp disagreements, particularly on the Palestinian issue.

Erdogan has been an outspoken critic of Israel's policies toward the Palestinians, frequently condemning its treatment of Gaza and Israeli military operations in the region.

Earlier, Turkey arrested a Kosovar national accused of managing the financial network of the Israeli intelligence agency Mossad.

Despite occasional efforts to normalize diplomatic relations, the two countries have often found themselves at odds, particularly when tensions in Gaza escalate.

Erdogan's latest remarks come amid growing calls within the Islamic world for tougher measures against Israel, both diplomatically and economically.

Its call for collective economic sanctions from Islamic countries reflects Turkey's broader strategy to position itself as a leading voice in the region's geopolitical landscape, particularly in defending Palestinian rights.

Erdogan's speech also took aim at the historical context of the Middle East conflict, referencing imperialist actions in the early 20th century that redrew the region's borders.

He suggested that similar plans are in play today, with Israel allegedly using current regional unrest to advance its own territorial ambitions.




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