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Trump returns to Butler, Pennsylvania for rally – NBC10 Philadelphia


Donald Trump returned Saturday to the Pennsylvania Fairgrounds, where he was nearly assassinated in July, holding a large rally with thousands of supporters in a critical state where Trump hopes to return to his column in the November election.

The former president and Republican candidate picked up where he left off in July when a gunman attempted to assassinate him and punched his ear. As he had suggested weeks before, he began his speech with, as I said, and gestured toward an immigration painting that he was looking at when the gunfire started.

Twelve weeks ago, we all took a bullet for America, Trump said. All we ask is that everyone go out and vote. We must win. We cannot let this happen to our country.

The Trump campaign has been working to maximize the potential of headline-grabbing events with just 30 days to go, and voting is already underway in some states in his race against his Democratic opponent, Vice President Kamala Harris. Musician Lee Greenwood appeared on stage and serenaded him with God Bless the USA, frequently played at his rallies, and billionaire Elon Musk spoke for the first time at a Trump rally.

We fought together. We endured together. We moved forward together, Trump said. And right here in Pennsylvania, we bled together. We bled.

At the start of the rally, Trump called for a moment of silence to honor firefighter Corey Comperatore, who died while protecting his family members from gunfire in July. Classical singer Christopher Macchio sang Ave Maria after a bell rang just as the gunfire began on July 13. Several members of Comperatore's family were in attendance, including his widow, Helen, who stood during Trump's remarks next to the former president's daughter. -law, Lara Trump.

Standing behind the protective glass that now covers the stage at his outdoor rallies, Trump called the would-be assassin a vicious monster and said he did not succeed because of God's providence and grace . There was a very visible heightened security presence, with armed law enforcement in camouflage uniforms on the rooftops.

Trump paid tribute to Comperatore and recognized the two other injured participants of the July rally, David Dutch and James Copenhaver. They and Trump were hit when gunman Thomas Matthew Crooks, 20, of Bethel Park, Pennsylvania, opened fire from a nearby unsecured roof before being shot dead by snipers.

The building from which Crooks fired was completely obscured by tractor-trailers, a large grassy perimeter and a fence.

How Crooks managed to outwit law enforcement that day and climb to the top of a building near the ex-president is among the many unanswered questions about the world's worst security failure secret services for decades. Another is its motive.

Pennsylvania is essential to both presidential campaigns

Trump lost Pennsylvania four years ago after ceding it to the Republican column in 2016. He must increase voter turnout in conservative strongholds like Butler County, a predominantly white rural and suburban community, if he wants to winning Pennsylvania in November after losing it four years. There is. Harris has also targeted her campaign efforts on Pennsylvania, rallying there several times as part of her aggressive outreach in critical states.

Acting Director of the U.S. Secret Service Ronald Rowe spoke Friday to outline the findings of the agency's investigation into the July 13 attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump in Butler, Pennsylvania .

Pennsylvania, obviously, is going to be the center of the universe over the next 30 days, for both parties, and we're pretty optimistic about where we're at organizationally, politically and in terms of the resources that we've been able to commit here. Chris LaCivita, a senior campaign adviser, told reporters.

Trump highlighted Harris' previous stance against fracking, a natural gas production process critical to Pennsylvania's economy, as he has in the past. But then he continued to spread lies about the federal response to Hurricane Helen, further spreading the claim that disaster survivors were only receiving $750 from the Federal Emergency Management Agency. This number refers to how much help the agency can provide to someone in an affected area with what they might need immediately.

Trump also claimed that Harris lost more than 325,000 migrant children who are now dead, enslaved or simply missing. An August report from a government watchdog said these were cases in which immigration officials were accused of failing to systematically monitor the location and status of unaccompanied migrant children a once they had been released from federal custody. These numbers also cover more than two years of the Trump administration.

Elon Musk made an appearance

One of the most anticipated guests of the evening was Musk, the CEO of SpaceX and Tesla and owner of X, formerly Twitter. Musk took the stage Saturday jumping and pumping his fists in the air after Trump introduced him as a great gentleman and said he had saved free speech.

President Trump must win to preserve the Constitution. He must win to preserve democracy in America, said Musk, who supported Trump after the assassination attempt. This is an unavoidable situation.

Musk, who has embraced conservative politics and is funding efforts to knock Trump out of the vote in several swing states, met with Trump and his running mate, Ohio Sen. JD Vance, backstage, wearing a black Make America hat Great Again. On the way to the rally, a billboard read “IN MUSK WE TRUST” and showed his photo.

Earlier Saturday, Vance took the stage and reflected on the day's events while harshly criticizing Democrats for calling Trump a threat to democracy, saying that kind of language is inflammatory. »

“You heard the shots. You saw the blood. We all feared the worst. But you knew everything was going to be okay when President Trump raised his fist in the air and shouted: Fight, fight! said Vance, who was chosen as the vice presidential candidate less than two days later.

Authorities held a news conference to provide an update on the investigation into the apparent attempted assassination of Donald Trump in Florida.

Rally participants said they felt safe returning to Butler

Crowds lined up at sunrise on Saturday. A large crowd filled the bleachers, folding chairs and the vast field that extended to the outskirts of the venues. Area hotels, motels and inns were reportedly full, and some rally participants arrived Friday. Much of the crowd waited for Trump for several hours. About half an hour into his speech, Trump interrupted his remarks for more than five minutes after an attendee had a medical problem and needed medical attention.

Butler County, on the western edge of a hotly contested presidential state, is a Trump stronghold. He won the county with about 66% of the vote in 2016 and 2020. About 57% of the county's 139,000 registered voters are Republicans, compared to about 29% of Democrats and 14% of other voters.

Chris Harpster, 30, of Tyrone, Pennsylvania, was accompanied by his girlfriend Saturday as he returned to the scene. On July 13, he said, I was scared, and so were his parents, who were watching the house, and texted him immediately after the shots rang out.

The increased security measures made him feel better now, as did the presence of his girlfriend, a first-time rally participant. Harpster said he would vote for Trump for a third time in November, based on the Republican candidates' positions on immigration, guns, abortion and energy. Harpster said he hoped Pennsylvania would go Republican, particularly because of his concerns about jobs in the gas and oil industries.

Other townspeople were divided on the value of Trump's return. Heidi Priest, a Butler resident who created a Facebook group supporting Harris, said Trump's latest visit has stoked political tensions in the city.

Every time you see people supporting him and getting excited about him being here, it scares those who don't want to see him re-elected, she said.

Terri Palmquist came from Bakersfield, Calif., and said her 18-year-old daughter tried to dissuade her from traveling. I just think we shouldn't let fear control us. That's what the other side wants, it's fear. If fear controls us, we lose, she says.

She said she wasn't worried about her own safety.

Honestly, I believe God got Trump, for some reason. I do. So we supported him.


Gomez Licon reported from Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Associated Press writers Michelle L. Price in New York contributed to this report.




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