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Boris Johnson is a loner who hates parties, says former Times political editor

Boris Johnson is a loner who hates parties, says former Times political editor
Boris Johnson is a loner who hates parties, says former Times political editor


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Journalist Tim Shipman has said that despite Boris Johnson's exuberant personality, the former prime minister is actually a loner who hates parties.

The 49-year-old former political editor of The times spoke at an event promoting his new book No way out: Brexit: from the backstop to Borisat the Henley Literary Festival which took place on Sunday 6 October at Phyllis Court in Henley-on-Thames.

No way out is the last of Shipman's four books chronicling key moments in British political history. The final installment focuses on Boris Johnson's role in the Brexit saga, which many accuse of dividing the nation.

He has conducted over 600 interviews with numerous government officials, with over 3.5 million words of transcripts, and interviewed the Prime Minister himself.

Shipman's book comes ahead of the upcoming release of Johnson's memoir, Unchainedwhich has already been slammed by critics.

Appearing at the Henley event for which The Independent is the exclusive press partner for the second year. Shipman spoke about the Partygate controversy in the context of the pandemic.

Boris Johnson hates parties, Shipman said. He hates being in a room with people he doesn't know or having to perform in a private arena.

He occasionally drinks heavily, but he is not a perennial heavy drinker. He's kind of a pretty low character.

Johnson would be a low number

Johnson would be a low number (Pennsylvania)

Commenting on the politician's private life, which has received as much media coverage as his government policies, Shipman said the perceived chaos in Johnson's personal relationships is due to his lack of trust.

The reason he has all these affairs is because he craves female companionship, he said of allegations that Johnson was unfaithful to his partners. Because they want to somehow change it or massage it more. There's a sort of mother-lover complex with Boris.

He went on to say that he thought Johnson's dynamic was different at work because of the former Conservative prime minister's competitive streak.

It's always kind of one-upmanship, and it's a little different, he said of the closed-door meetings between Johnson and his government officials, whom he called a pretty dark character.

Commenting on the frequent comparisons drawn between Johnson and Churchill, Shipman said that while there are similarities between the two politicians, Johnson ultimately failed to replace Churchill.

They were both seen as fickle, self-centered characters, glory-seekers, people willing to change sides at a moment's notice for their own goals, he explained. But once put to the test and at the moment of maximum crisis, Churchill came through and ultimately Johnson did not.

No way out: Brexit: from the backstop to Boris is out now.




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