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Revealed: Boris Johnson discusses Rishi Sunak's role in his downfall | Politics | News

Revealed: Boris Johnson discusses Rishi Sunak's role in his downfall | Politics | News
Revealed: Boris Johnson discusses Rishi Sunak's role in his downfall | Politics | News


Boris Johnson has claimed Rishi Sunak was poorly advised by accusing the Conservative Party of an explosion of irrationality.

The former prime minister said Mr Sunak was a close colleague and friend who turned on me at a particularly critical time.

Mr Johnson was eventually forced out of Downing Street amid controversies over Partygate and the Chris Pincher scandal.

And he said his fall was due to an explosion of irrationality within the party, with the Conservatives falling behind Labor in the polls, just two years after claiming an 80-seat majority.

Speaking to Camilla Tominey on GB News, Mr Johnson said: “Not only did we get Brexit done, we got full national independence, which was no small thing. We then used this to roll out the vaccine the fastest of any European country, giving us the fastest economic recovery of any G7 country.

We had an unemployment rate at a 50-year low, and 620,000 more people in paid employment.

Unfortunately, there has been an explosion of irrationality within my party. And I think they miscalculated. Are you asking about Rishi?

If you asked me, if you really pushed me to say it, was it a terrible mistake to kick me out? Yes, I think that was the case.

It was a blunder.”

Asked if Mr Sunak was behind the plot to impeach him, Mr Johnson replied: And yes, I think he was poorly advised. He was poorly advised.

I think he was

Ms Tominey then asked what role did he play in your downfall

And Mr Johnson said: The role of

The former prime minister then paused for a few seconds, before adding: “He was a close colleague and friend who turned on me at a particularly critical time and I thought it was a error.

It was worse than a crime. And so it turned out.

Mr Sunak was the second minister to resign after the Pincher affair which triggered the collapse of the Johnson government.

Asked if the Conservatives could have won the last election if he had still been in power, he added: I think we would have a very good chance.

Yes, I think we would. We were only a handful of points behind in the polls. Nothing to do with the huge gaps that have widened and where the Reform Party was at zero.

Mr Johnson, in his book Unleashed, noted that the Ready for Rishi leadership campaign website was launched in January 2022 before being kicked out almost six months later.

And he suggested Mr Sunak was planning this betrayal and putting the brakes on economic recovery policy after the Covid pandemic all along.

But Mr Johnson said his chances of returning to Downing Street were very slim.

He said: I was not responsible for what happened next.

I had taken my plow, I lived a very happy life, in impeccable and rustic obscurity.

I am working on various books.

As I said, I think the chances of making a comeback, of returning to number 10, are about as good as my chances of being reincarnated as an olive or decapitated by a frisbee or being locked in a disused refrigerator.

But, despite insisting his chances were extremely low, Mr Johnson could not explicitly rule out a return.




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