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CHP leader Zel criticizes party's old strategy, says he will pursue more inclusive policies

CHP leader Zel criticizes party's old strategy, says he will pursue more inclusive policies
CHP leader Zel criticizes party's old strategy, says he will pursue more inclusive policies


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Turkey's main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP), Özgür Özel, said on October 4 that it will “pursue a more inclusive policy” amid criticism over its talks with President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on behalf of “normalization”.

In a interview Writing in online media outlet Medyascope, Özel criticized his party's former leader Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu for “his aggressive opposition style”, and said this did not resonate with citizens.

“I saw that the CHP would not achieve results with loud and aggressive rhetoric. Therefore, I will pursue a more inclusive policy,” Özel said.

After losing the presidential race to Erdoğan in May 2023, Kılıçdaroğlu also lost the party congress to Özel in November.

“I fought (with the AKP) in Parliament for years. Our team really likes it. But what is the point (of fighting) if we remain in opposition? he added for his reasoning for a change in tone.

After the CHP became the leading party in the March 31 local elections, President Erdoğan and CHP leader Özel met twice, marking Erdoğan's first meeting with a main opposition leader in eight years.

These meetings raised hopes for an era of “normalization” in a polarized political context amid economic turmoil. Although nothing has changed substantially in the way the government does politics, Özel still claims that his meetings have produced some results, such as the release of seven generals convicted for their role in the “postmodern coup” of 1997 which overthrew the Islamist Welfare (Refah). Power party.

On October 1, the CHP parliamentary group greeted Erdoğan by standing up during the opening session of the new legislature in parliament. The CHP group was protesting Erdoğan by not opposing Kılıçdaroğlu's leadership in recent years.

The same day, Devlet Bahçeli, far-right leader of the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP), an ally of the government, surprisingly shook hands with deputies from the pro-Kurdish Party for People's Equality and Democracy (DEM), whom he described as “terrorists” on several occasions.

Bahçeli said: “We are entering a new era. Even if we want peace in the world, we must guarantee peace in our own country.

In his interview, Özel also said that he had not reached any agreement with Erdoğan. “I will not change the constitution with someone who does not respect the existing constitution. I will not sit at the constitutional table while the Gezi case is still ongoing, the decisions of the Constitutional Court are not respected, the decisions of the ECHR are not respected and the Constitution is carefully violated .”

“Normalization, being able to shake hands, call each other in good times and bad, go to funerals, offer condolences, celebrate Eid… This means: whoever the leader is, address to this leader out of respect for the members and voters of his party,” Özel added.

Özel also said he would leave politics if the CHP failed to take power in the next election. He has indicated that he will not run for president.




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