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Narendra Modi completes 23 years at the helm of the government, many projects inspired by projects in Gujarat as CM


New Delhi: The genesis of some welfare schemes launched by the NDA government over the last decade was sown during the tenure of Narendra Modi as the Chief Minister of Gujarat (he assumed office 23 years ago on October 7, 2001) and their success led to the implementation of these programs across the country. Often referred to as the 'Gujarat model', these measures are linked to water conservation, tree planting campaigns, celebration of the Constitution, promotion of ethnic products and Khadi, encouragement of a sporting culture, etc.

Modi stressed on Jan Bhagidari or people's participation in governance. He gave the model 'P2, G2', which means pro-people and good governance, during his tenure as chief minister. This later developed into Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas, Sabka Vishwas, Sabka Prayas.

The much-discussed Jal Jeevan Mission, initiated by the Prime Minister, draws on the experience of the Sujalam Sufalam Jal Abhiyan launched for the water-scarce areas of North Gujarat in 2004. It focused on the delivery of Narmada river water in Gujarat, interconnection of rivers and rain water. harvest to meet the water needs of the population of Gujarat.
The local success of this project led to the Jal Jeevan Mission under which, by August 2024, tap water was provided to 11.82 crore rural households, covering almost 78% of all rural households in India. WHO estimates that JJM efforts save 5.5 million hours per day, mostly for women, and could prevent 400,000 deaths from diarrheal diseases, saving 14 million years disability-adjusted life expectancy (DALY).

A recent report highlighted how the Swachh Bharat Mission has helped save the lives of 60,000 to 70,000 infants every year.

Similarly, the ambitious plan to provide 24×7 electricity to all villages in Gujarat under the Jyotigram Yojana led to the Saubhagya project of the NDA government. This plan brought a significant change in people's lives as the constant supply of electricity transformed agriculture as well as rural industries like food processing and handicrafts. The power supply verified the use of diesel pumps, thus helping the environment. It has also improved quality of life by enabling better education, better health and better access to information. The Saubhagya project, launched under this experiment in 2017, helped provide electricity to 2.86 crore households in rural and urban areas. Prime Minister Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana, which has helped thousands of people during the Covid pandemic and continues to serve them, was inspired by the Garib Kalyan Mela in Gujarat, under which 25 lakh beneficiaries were covered in 50 of these melas and a total of 1500 crores were spent. PMGKAY provides free foodgrains to 80 crore beneficiaries.

Nirmal Gujarat's cleanliness campaign to end open defecation led to the Swachh Bharat Mission which was launched on October 2, 2014 and completed a decade.

The empowerment of women and farmers through the NaMo Drone Didi project and Prime Minister Samman Nidhi has its origins in the Gujarat Krishi Mahotsav during Modi's tenure. He had contacted a million farmers to discuss the use of modern methods and technologies in agriculture.

Much before Stand-Up India, there was Mangalam Mission in Gujarat which provided microfinance to women entrepreneurs and self-help groups. Launched in 2009, this project extended credit to two lakh Sakhi mandals, involving an outlay of 1,000 crore.




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