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Elon Musk literally jumps for joy to support Donald Trump


After being introduced by Donald Trump as the man who saved free speech, Elon Musk took the stage Saturday in Butler, Pennsylvania, jumping up and down toward the roaring welcome crowd while wearing a Occupy Mars t-shirt and an all-black Make. America Great Again hat.

As you can see, Musk adjusted his hat as he began his speech: “I'm not just MAGA, I'm dark MAGA.”

Trump returns to the scene exactly twelve weeks after the first failed assassination attempt on his life, and a month before Election Day, with prayers, opera, paratroopers and an artist who painted live Corey Comperatore , the Trump supporter killed in the shocking July 13 attack, according to a report from Axios. Pennsylvania remains one of, if not the most, crucial states for Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris on the 270 road.

Today, America is the land of the brave, and there is no better test than courage under fire, said Musk, who officially supported Trump after the shooter nearly killed him, beckoned the former president.

So far, Musk has spent a lot of money and effort supporting Trump's entry into the White House, and even co-founded a super political action committee to do just that. A new investigation published this week by the Wall Street Journal found that over the past two years, Tesla's CEO has quietly given tens of millions of dollars to groups linked to Trump aide Stephen Miller and to supporters of the presidential candidacy of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. . The Journal adds that these contributions make him one of the largest donors to conservative causes, which, combined with his large following on social media, makes him one of the most influential figures in American politics.

The billionaires' speech was primarily intended to get people to register to vote and go for Trump, and it did so by repeating some of the fear-mongering language used by the former president. This is an unavoidable situation. You have to win. So I have a request for everyone in the audience, everyone watching this video, everyone who is live. There is a request, it's very important: register to vote, okay, and invite everyone you know and everyone you don't know, Musk said, adding: “Like, text people now. NOW. And then make sure they actually vote. If they don't, it will be the last election. This is my prediction. Nothing is more important. Nothing is more important.

Trump has repeatedly claimed that if American Christians voted for him this time, they would never need to vote again.

Christians, get out and vote, this time again, the Republican presidential candidate told the crowd at the Turning Point Actions summit of believers in July. You won't have to do this anymore. Four more years, you know what? It will be settled, everything will be fine, you will no longer have to vote, my beautiful Christians.

Yet as Elon Musk spoke in Butler, he argued that electing Trump was the only way to preserve democracy. You have to have freedom of speech to have democracy, that's why it's the first amendment. And the Second Amendment is there to ensure that we have the First Amendment, he said with a laugh. President Trump must win to preserve the Constitution. He must win to preserve democracy in America.

Like many other current Trump fans, their relationship hasn't always been so rosy. Trump has previously suggested that Musk is cozying up to Joe Biden's administration because of all the government subsidies he receives and all the permits he requires. And in July 2022, Trump posted on Truth Social about Musk asking for his favor while in office.

When Elon Musk came to the White House to ask me for help on all of his many subsidized projects, from electric cars that don't run long enough to driverless cars that crash to rockets that lead nowhere, without which subsidies are worthless, and he told me: how he was a big fan of Trump and a Republican, Trump began, adding, I might have said, get on your knees and beg, and he would have done it




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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