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In honor of ex-CM Narendra Modi Gujarat to celebrate Vikas Saptah every year – The Week


Gandhinagar, Oct 6 (PTI) The Gujarat government will celebrate a Vikas Saptah (Development Week) every year from October 7 when Prime Minister Narendra Modi was sworn in as the 14th Chief Minister of the state in 2001, a minister said on Sunday. .

The decision to celebrate October 7-15 as Vikas Saptah was taken in the cabinet meeting chaired by CM Bhupendra Patel, Minister Rushikesh Patel told the media.
The cabinet also decided to extend the old pension scheme and other benefits to over 60,000 appointed employees on fixed salary basis before April 1, 2005, it said.
During the Vikas Saptah, events such as cultural presentations by local artists will be organized and Vikas Walks will be organized at 23 locations, including the Statue of Unity and the Surat Diamond Bourse, known for their development achievements in the for the past 23 years, Patel said.
To celebrate and highlight the multi-faceted development journey and success of good governance under Modiji, a Vikas Saptah will be celebrated every year in the state from October 7 to 15, Patel said.
During the week-long celebrations, citizens will have an opportunity to share their experiences regarding Modi's governance initiatives and their impact on social life through social and digital media using the hashtag #VikasSaptah, the minister.

Essay competitions on the theme of development will also be organized in schools and colleges as part of overall plans to engage students and youth during this development week, Patel said.
A Bharat Vikas Pratigya (commitment to India's development) will be taken to encourage public participation in the development process, he added.
During the week, famous public places will be adorned with murals depicting the state's 23 years of development in various sectors, he said.
Several development projects worth over Rs 3,500 crore will be launched during this period, Patel said.
As the then chief minister, Modi chose not to govern in a traditional manner but instead focus on policy-driven governance that addressed public issues, fostering all-round development in the industrial, agricultural and services, thereby making Gujarat a model of development, he said.
The 23 years of progress under Modi's leadership have solidified Gujarat's global reputation as a model of development, he said.
Modi laid the foundation for Gujarat's development on Urja Shakti, Jal Shakti, Gyan Shakti, Jan Shakti and Raksha Shakti, propelling the state on the path of progress, he said.

Patel said a cabinet committee formed by the CM held marathon meetings with stakeholders, following which various issues of several employees were resolved amicably.
Employees appointed on a fixed salary before April 1, 2005 were not eligible for retirement and other benefits in accordance with the terms of their appointment and written undertakings on their part. Despite this, the state government agreed in principle to offer legacy pension and other benefits to more than 60,000 of those employees, he said.
The decision is estimated to cost the exchequer over Rs 200 crore, he said.




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