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Musk calls on people to register to vote

Musk calls on people to register to vote
Musk calls on people to register to vote



During his first appearance alongside Donald Trump on the electoral campaign trail, billionaire Elon Musk on Saturday called on citizens to register to vote, presenting Democrats as a threat to democracy.

Register to vote, okay? And gather everyone you know and everyone you don't know. Swipe them to register to vote. There are only two days left to register to vote in Georgia and Arizona. Forty-eight hours. Text people now. NOW. And then make sure they actually vote, Musk said at the former presidents' gathering in Butler, Pennsylvania. If they don't, it will be the last election. This is my prediction.

Musk's assertion closely resembles warnings frequently made by allies of Vice President Kamala Harris and President Joe Biden about Trump. But it was the former president, not Democrats, who addressed the crowd before the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, then stood idle for more than three hours as events there erupted. were unfolding.

The billionaire owner of 'expression. They want to take away your right to bear arms. They actually want to take away your right to vote.

Musk, who supported Trump over the summer and helped form a super PAC that has already spent tens of millions on the presidential race, painted a bleak picture of what's at stake in the election, arguing that the freedom of speech in America as well as the preservation of the Constitution will only happen if Trump defeats Harris.

Musk's comments were something of a digression from the overall theme of Trump's rally in Butler, the site of a failed assassination attempt on the former president this summer. In his first visit to the site since then, Trump made a point of highlighting the location of the rally and, early on in his speech, paying tribute to Corey Contempore, a firefighter who was fatally shot at the rally. Trump also thanked the Secret Service for protecting him.

Exactly 12 weeks ago tonight, on this very ground, a cold-blooded assassin aimed to silence me and the greatest movement, Trump said.

The speaker list was more high-profile than a typical Trump rally. Speakers who preceded the former president included his running mate, Ohio Sen. JD Vance, as well as his son Eric Trump, RNC co-chair and daughter-in-law Lara Trump and conservative activist Scott Presler. During a moment of silence honoring the victims at the previous Trump rally in Butler, opera singer Christopher Macchio sang Ave Maria.

During the rally, Trump said his supporters deserve a government that doesn't cater to special interests or lobbyists and that his opponents are actively trying to block that goal.

Over the past eight years, those who want to stop us from realizing that future have slandered me, indicted me, indicted me, tried to exclude me from the polls and who knows, maybe even tried to kill me? Trump suggested baselessly. But I never stopped fighting for you and I never will.

After the attempt on his life at his Florida golf club last month, Trump sought to blame Biden and Harris for the second assassination attempt and claimed: “Their rhetoric makes me shoot.”

Law enforcement is still investigating the motives of the suspects in both assassination attempts, and there is no evidence that Trump's political opponents were involved in any way.

CNN's Kate Sullivan and Shania Shelton contributed to this story.




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