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From fresh air to pride at IKN


The Nusantara TNI Fun Run to be held on Sunday, October 6, 2024 is not only a joint sporting event, but also an opportunity for the public to see for themselves the development of the archipelago capital (IKN). Thousands of participants from different regions flock to the race course which offers magnificent views and modern infrastructure around IKN.

This event was filled with enthusiasm, joy and diverse impressions from the participants, from those who set foot in Kalimantan for the first time to those who witnessed the development process of IKN from the beginning. Izzi, a participant from Jakarta, felt happy to be able to participate and witness first-hand the development of IKN.

“It's really exciting, you can see the new capital, you can also see what the current developments look like, and you can also breathe fresh, healthy air. “So it's very exciting,” Izzi said.

He also appreciated the cleanliness and orderliness of the streets and pedestrians in IKN. Although there is still much to be developed, Izzi is optimistic that this IKN project will continue.

“Interesting experience, it’s also my first time in Kalimantan. “I hope this IKN project will go smoothly, I believe this project can bring development to Indonesia,” he added.

For Momo, also from Jakarta, this is his first visit to IKN and hopes that the construction of IKN will be completed soon. Momo also expressed his admiration for President Jokowi, whom he considers the figure behind achieving the development of the IKN.

“Oh, I'm a big fan of Pak Jokowi, he's really cool. Sir, thank you very much for making this possible, for making our future city very extraordinary. We love you, Pak Jokowi,” he said. -he declared enthusiastically.

Meanwhile, Angel, a participant from Samarinda, really enjoyed the clean and fresh atmosphere of IKN. He also felt proud to be able to directly see the different buildings created by the children of the nation and which decorate the IKN area.

“The atmosphere is really nice, clean, the air is clear, the roads are good. I am so happy, I hope there will be another event next. Proud to meet Mr. President, luck for life “Always be healthy, stay enthusiastic, keep moving forward,” Angel said happily.

Dian Rana, a local resident who has been following the development of IKN since the beginning, also feels proud and happy to organize a big event like the Nusantara TNI Fun Run. Having witnessed the development of IKN since 2021, Dian admitted to being impressed by the big changes that have occurred.

“Proud, happy, because it's the first time for a big event, the second in fact after August 17. It's extraordinary that there are so many participants, it's the first time I've seen the site IKN filled with a sea of ​​people “The thing is, the Nusantara TNI Fun Run is really cool,” said Dian.

Dian also expressed his gratitude to President Jokowi for his contribution to the development of IKN: “Thank you Mr. Jokowi for making the capital of the East Kalimantan archipelago, we as people of East Kalimantan feel really the best impact of this development.

The Nusantara TNI Fun Run is not only a healthy, but also an inspiring event. Participants from various regions reported valuable experiences and positive impressions about IKN, which is increasingly becoming a symbol of Indonesia's future.




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