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FIR, amid PTI protests in Lahore, brings charges of sedition, terrorism and attempted murder against Imran and others – Pakistan

FIR, amid PTI protests in Lahore, brings charges of sedition, terrorism and attempted murder against Imran and others – Pakistan
FIR, amid PTI protests in Lahore, brings charges of sedition, terrorism and attempted murder against Imran and others – Pakistan


LAHORE: The Lahore Police have registered a first information report (FIR) against Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf founder president Imran Khan, 200 other leaders, workers and lawyers on charges of sedition, terrorism and attempt to murder.

Three more cases were filed against hundreds of other PTI leaders and supporters at various police stations for defying Section 144 imposed by the Punjab government.

The action was launched following rallies organized by PTI leaders in Lahore on Saturday and Sunday.

The main FIR was lodged at Islampura police station where the police named former Prime Minister Imran Khan, senior party leaders including Hammad Azhar, Musarrat Cheema, Shabbir Gujjar, Ali Ahmad Warraich, the lawyer of Rana Zameer Ahmad Jhedu, MP Rana Shahbaz Ahmad and others. who were named under the serious provisions of sedition, terrorism and attempted murder.

Police Inspector Anthony Victor alleged in the FIR that PTI leaders named in the FIR held meetings with party founder Imran Khan in the jail to create anarchy and law and order, and made speeches hate speech against state institutions.

He alleged that Imran Khan instigated these leaders from jail to commit violence against the state, take justice out of their plight and attack law enforcers.

Anthony alleged that PTI leaders allegedly raised anti-state slogans among their supporters and injured Officer Bilal in the process.

They carried sophisticated weapons, patrol bombs, bricks and clubs to attack the police, he said, adding that Rana Zameer Ahmad Jhedu led a violent and charged mob of 200 lawyers and party workers and had marched towards PMG Chowk, inciting violence.

They raised the slogan agar mera Murshid Imran Khan nahi in Pakistan bhi nahi, according to the complaint.

He claimed in the FIR that the indicted mob of PTI lawyers and workers also made statements and threatened: If Imran Khan was not released from jail, we will wage a war against Pakistan.

They blocked the roads and spread terror in the surrounding areas, the FIR said, adding that when the policemen warned the protesters to disperse despite Section 144 being enforced, they attacked the police deployed to provide security .

PTI leaders, lawyers and workers pelted stones at police, damaged official vehicles and threatened them with dire consequences.

To defend themselves, the police fired tear gas and arrested 16 offenders on the spot, according to the complainant.

Another case was registered against 20 PTI workers with the Hanjarwal police station for holding illegal gatherings, defying the ban under Section 144.

Similarly, Millat Park police filed a case against PTI activists and supporters on identical charges.

According to reports, most areas of the provincial capital returned to normal as police removed barricades, containers and other obstacles at exit/entry points and main roads on Sunday.

However, police security remained on alert in the city to thwart any possible attempt at violence by PTI leaders and workers.

TOBA TEK SINGH: Police on Sunday raided the homes of a number of PTI leaders and activists to arrest them ahead of the call for a nationwide shutdown of the party for Monday.

Police arrested Babar Javed Chaudhry from Gojra. All others including former MP Saeed Ahmad Saeedi, NA-106 PTI backed candidate Khalid Nawaz Sadhraij, defeated PP 121 PTI backed candidate Sardar Khawar Sher Gadhi and Toba tehsil president Rana Sarwar Babar n were not present in their homes during the raids.

Faisalabad police raided the house of MPA Sardar Nazar Latif Gujjar to arrest him, but he was not present there.

Toba correspondent Tariq Saeed also contributed to this report.

Published in Dawn, October 7, 2024




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