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Paintings by Charlotte Johnson Wahl, mother of former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, reflect her time in a psychiatric hospital

Paintings by Charlotte Johnson Wahl, mother of former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, reflect her time in a psychiatric hospital


More than 20 paintings by artist Charlotte Johnson Wahl, late mother of former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, will be exhibited later this year at the Bethlem Museum of the Mind in Beckenham, UK (December 11-March 29, 2025) .

The exhibition What it looked like: Charlotte Johnson Wahl's paintings of Maudsley Hospital will present works created during his nine-month stay at the Maudsley Hospital in Camberwell, London in 1974. The artists created dozens of works depicting scenes from life at the hospital throughout his stay in the psychiatric establishment.

Colin Gale, director of the Bethlem Museum of the Mind, says the paintings, many of which have not been seen in public, come from various private collections. Both confrontational in their subject matter and gentle, even humorous, in their rendering, they demonstrate the artist's powers of observation and emotional range. They lift the veil on mental distress and daily life in a psychiatric hospital, subjects rarely discussed openly a generation ago, he adds.

In 2015, London's Mall Galleries held a retrospective of Johnson Wahls' work. Write in The evening standardher granddaughter Lara Johnson-Wheeler said: Grandma had a nervous breakdown in 1974, her terrible and overwhelming OCD taking the best of her. She was far from the children, suffering and worried, and the paintings depict this state of mind that is all too close and painfully human.

So she was admitted to Maudsley Psychiatric Hospital and, during the nine months she spent there, she created around 80 paintings, documenting her times and her unique perspective on psychiatric care. Upon his release, Johnson Wahl took over the hospital conference room for a sales exhibition.

Johnson Wahl said Average review in 2017, how and why she painted the works during her hospital stay. It was horrible. I was trying to get rid of my rituals, my obsessions, my fear of dirt and my aversion to food. I thought they could help me get rid of these obsessions, but they couldn't. They gave me canvases and paints, which was just wonderful. I couldn't talk about my problems, but I could paint them, she said.

The paintings reflect his state of mind at the time, depicting his insect-covered torso, his confrontations with nurses and his periods spent sitting in the hospital day room. His work reflects the emerging visual style of the 1970s, blending a minimalist aesthetic influenced by pop art with a fashionable muted color palette, a museum release said.

Johnson Wahl died at the age of 79 in 2021; she read English at Oxford University but interrupted her studies to travel to the United States with Stanley Johnson, whom she married in 1963. She later returned to complete her studies, becoming the first female married undergraduate at her university, Lady Margaret Hall. She had four children: Boris, Rachel, Jo and Leo. Her marriage ended in divorce in 1979, and she made a name for herself as a professional portrait painter.

  • What it looked like: Charlotte Johnson Wahl's paintings of Maudsley HospitalBethlem Museum of the Mind, London, December 11-March 29, 2025




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