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New book claims Trump has spoken to Putin seven times since leaving the White House | Donald Trump News

New book claims Trump has spoken to Putin seven times since leaving the White House | Donald Trump News
New book claims Trump has spoken to Putin seven times since leaving the White House | Donald Trump News


Former United States President and current Republican candidate Donald Trump has remained in regular contact with Russian President Vladimir Putin, according to new unverified claims from a prominent journalist.

Bob Woodward, 81, claims Trump has made at least seven phone calls to the Russian leader since leaving the Oval Office in January 2021.

One of the phone calls took place earlier this year, Woodward claims in his upcoming book, War. Trump reportedly asked one of his aides to leave his office at his Mar-a-Lago estate so he could speak to the Russian leader.

The Trump campaign has rejected the allegations. Steven Cheung, the president's former communications director, said Tuesday that none of the stories in Woodwards' book were true.

Rather, he said, they were the work of a truly demented and deranged man who suffers from a debilitating case of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Trump, 78, has himself denied the claims. Speaking to ABC News, Trump said of Woodward: He's a storyteller. A bad one. And he lost it.

The Kremlin on Wednesday denied allegations that the Russian leader had regular contact with the former US president.

Asked by Russian media RBC if Putin and Trump had spoken on the phone, spokesman Dmitry Peskov replied: No, that's not true.

A journalist helped bring down Richard Nixon

Nonetheless, the claims came as a shock as the United States prepares for its November 5 elections. After all, Woodward is best known for his investigative reporting that contributed to the downfall of President Richard Nixon in 1974.

The book also reignited concerns that Trump has an unduly close relationship with the Russian leader.

These allegations date back to 2016, when Trump first ran for president. At the time, he called on Russia to help him find missing emails that his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton had deleted from private servers.

The US intelligence community concluded that Moscow interfered in the election to help Trump. However, an investigation by special counsel Robert Mueller found no conspiracy between the Trump team and Russia.

As he seeks a return to the White House, Trump continues to boast about his friendship with Putin.

In 2022, Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, which Trump portrayed during his election campaign as a consequence of weakening American leadership on the world stage.

He said he could end Ukraine's war in 24 hours, although kyiv's supporters say such a deal would require the country to cede a significant portion of its territory to Russia, which Ukraine's president Volodymyr Zelensky rejected.

During the presidential debate last month, Trump refused to say whether he thought it was in the U.S. interest for Ukraine to win the war.

I want the war to end. I want to save lives, he said, adding incorrectly that millions had died. I believe it is in the interest of the United States to end this war and bring it to a successful conclusion.

Woodwards' book, one of more than a dozen he has published over the years, also alleges that Trump sent Putin COVID-19 testing machines for his personal use as the virus began to spread in 2020.

The Russian leader reportedly asked Trump not to tell anyone because people wouldn't be happy if the news spread.

It is unclear when the machines were sent, but US media previously reported that the US sent testing machines to several countries, including Russia, in May 2020.

Kamala Harris takes up the claims

These assertions were echoed by Democratic candidate Kamala Harris.

In an interview with radio host Howard Stern, she accused Trump of giving the machines to a murderous dictator at a time when everyone was rushing to take tests.

This person who wants to be president again, who is secretly helping an adversary while the American people are dying by the hundreds every day, she said.

In addition to his searing revelations about Trump, Woodwards' book focuses on President Joe Biden's handling of the war in Ukraine and the conflict in the Middle East.

It includes reports of Biden's frustrations and distrust of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has waged a deadly military campaign in Gaza since October 7, 2023.

Nearly 42,000 Palestinians have been killed in Gaza, with no ceasefire in sight and tensions spreading across the region.

The book says the US president privately called Netanyahu a son of a bitch and a fucking villain.

It also indicates that Biden believes Netanyahu was regularly lying to him.

Biden says Obama didn't take Putin seriously

The book also claims that Biden criticized his former boss, Democratic President Barack Obama, for failing to prevent Putin's invasion of Crimea in 2014. Biden was vice president under Obama at the time.

They screwed up in 2014, Biden reportedly told a close friend, blaming Putin's actions in Ukraine on the lack of response. Barack never took Putin seriously.

Asked about the book's claims, White House spokeswoman Emilie Simons told reporters: “The commitment we have to the State of Israel is ironclad.

She added of Biden and Netanyahu: They have a long-term relationship. They have a very honest and direct relationship, and I have no comment on these specific anecdotes.




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