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A decade of Jokowi's government: achievements and foundations towards a golden Indonesia in 2045

A decade of Jokowi's government: achievements and foundations towards a golden Indonesia in 2045


JAKARTA – At the beginning of a decade under the administration of Indonesian President Joko Widodo and Indonesian Vice President Ma'ruf Amin, Indonesia has recorded various significant advancements in various sectors which have become a solid foundation for Indonesia to achieve a golden Indonesia 2045. The President stressed the importance of maintaining national stability, sustainable development and improving the quality of human resources. “Our human resources must be superior, not only in number, but also in quality, both physically, skillproductive character and discipline,” President Jokowi said during the launch of the final draft of the National Long-Term Development Plan (RPJPN) 2025-2045 on June 15, 2023.

To strengthen the vision of a Golden Indonesia 2045, Minister of National Development Planning/Head of Bappenas Suharso Monoarfa highlighted the RPJPN 2025-2045 as the main guide for Indonesia's development in the next two decades. “The RPJPN 2025-2045 is the steering wheel to navigate Indonesia's development direction, ensuring that all development stakeholders move in harmony and integration for the nation's ideals,” Minister Suharso explained on Wednesday (10 /9).

The government has recorded various significant achievements in the decade until the end of 2024. Economic growth is expected to reach 5.2%, with the added value of the creative economy sector of IDR 1.367 trillion and a trade balance surplus of 11.5 billion USD. In terms of regional development, regional gross domestic product increased in Java and Sulawesi, accompanied by a decrease in social inequality, as indicated by the Gini ratio falling to 0.375. The human development index reached 75.59, with an average length of schooling of 9.03 years and the unemployment rate fell to 5.11 percent. The infrastructure was also expanded with the addition of 6,665 Broadcast Traffic Systems (BTS) in outermost, advanced and underdeveloped areas as well as 2,882 km of new toll roads.

In the social sector, the cultural development index also increased to 74.29, while the quality of public services reached 82.68 and the democracy index to 75.51. In the environmental sector, the government recorded a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions of 637 million tonnes, accompanied by an increase in environmental quality which now reaches 68.73. Regarding the development of the Indonesian capital, the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas also ensures that this development is based on the principles of sustainability and innovation, in accordance with the policy direction of the RPJPN 2025-2045 and the government work plan.

Furthermore, Minister Suharso emphasized that facing the coming years, the RPJPN 2025-2045 which was adopted as law, as well as the RKP 2024, will play an important role in realizing the Vision of Golden Indonesia 2045. “The 2025-2045 RPJPN plays an important role in establishing a solid foundation for Indonesia's national development for the next twenty years. “We ensured that the development plans of RPJPN and RKP for the coming year are in line with the policy direction of the President-elect, to ensure the continuity of Indonesia's development towards a golden Indonesia in 2045,” concluded Minister Suharso.




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