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Vice President Harris calls Viktor Orbn a dictator, authoritarian and murderer

Vice President Harris calls Viktor Orbn a dictator, authoritarian and murderer
Vice President Harris calls Viktor Orbn a dictator, authoritarian and murderer


Kamala Harris and live-action, unscripted appearances are two things that don't really go well together. The current vice president and Democratic candidate in the November 5 presidential election has given several interviews and made several live appearances in recent days, after which her popularity has declined again. This is hardly surprising, especially considering his recent appearance on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert in more detail.

When the host mentioned former president and current Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump's close relationships with leaders such as Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbn, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping, Harris intervened, calling them: dictators, authoritarians and people. who have been well described as murderers.

It is already outrageous that a presidential candidate would call the leaders of two world powers, Russia and China, murderers and dictators, especially since if elected they would likely need to engage talks with these leaders on several occasions to help restore the situation. world peace. However, using such a term to refer to the Hungarian Prime Minister, who has been democratically elected several times, is completely absurd. Unfortunately, this kind of rhetoric is neither surprising nor rare within the Democratic Party.

Why would Harris act any differently when she hears similar statements from her own president, Joe Biden? As reported Hungarian conservativeBiden made comparable remarks about Viktor Orbn in March, following the Hungarian prime minister's visit to Donald Trump's Florida estate. You know who it is [Trump] meeting today at Mar-a-Lago? Hungary's Orbn said flatly that he did not think democracy worked, but sought dictatorship. That’s who he meets.

This type of rhetoric is neither surprising nor rare within the Democratic Party.

Following Biden's remarks, Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Pter Szijjrt summoned the US ambassador to Hungary, David Pressman, to demand an explanation. Szijjrt said the official US position, which implies that Hungary is establishing a dictatorship, seriously damages bilateral relations.

Hungary's relations with the United States have deteriorated significantly since the Democratic administration, led by Joe Biden, took over the White House in 2021. Ambassador David Pressman constantly criticizes the Hungarian government, saying interferes in the internal affairs of Hungary and aligns itself with the usual left. wing's account in its attacks on Prime Minister Viktor Orbn. Relations reached an unprecedented low last April after Pressman announced that Washington had placed Imre Laszlczki, then vice president of the International Investment Bank, on a sanctions list.

Harris' statement indicates that relations between the two countries would remain as tense as they are now, or worse, if she were to win the presidency. His running mate, Tim Walz, made a similar reference about Viktor Orbn in an earlier interview with Fox Newswhere the far-left politician declared: A foreign policy that respects our alliances, without getting closer to dictators like [Vladimir] Putin and Orb are the way forward.

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