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Xi Jinping's China modernization plans raise fears young people are being left behind

Xi Jinping's China modernization plans raise fears young people are being left behind


The overall job environment is not good, so I need to start thinking about a transitional job or an alternative job that doesn't meet my expectations. [university] major and become more flexible, Li told me.

Another young woman, 24, who only gave her last name, Wang, hoped to use her accounting degree to launch a career in data analysis, but found that the number and quality available jobs decreased from year to year. The most frequently recruited profession is sales.

Beijing's congested roads are increasingly dominated by electric vehicles.

Beijing's congested roads are increasingly dominated by electric vehicles.Credit: P.A.

This discouragement has spawned viral discussions on Chinese social media platforms about living through a period of disorder in history and the emergence of a rest movement centered on the idea that young people would be better off rejecting a hyper-competitive, low-paid work culture and to adopt more emotionally fulfilling endeavors from others.

But amid this pessimistic sentiment, there are many signs in Beijing that an economic transition is underway, in line with Xi's vision.

The city's famous traffic jams are now heavily populated with electric and hybrid cars, including the city's taxi fleet. For the second month in a row, so-called new energy vehicles outsold traditional gasoline-powered cars, accounting for 54 percent of all retail sales in August. For comparison, around one in four new cars sold in Australia is an electric or hybrid vehicle.

North Asia correspondent Lisa Visentin gets out of a robotaxi in southern Beijing.

North Asia correspondent Lisa Visentin gets out of a robotaxi in southern Beijing.Credit: Sanghee Liu

In the city's digital economic heart, known as Beijing E-town, it's possible to summon an autonomous robotaxi to transport you cheaply, like the driverless Waymo taxis that ply the streets of San Francisco. although limited to designated areas for now.

At least 19 other Chinese cities are testing driverless cars. It is this self-driving technology and automotive software systems made in China that the Biden administration announced last month it would seek to ban from US roads, citing national security concerns, although the Australian government has already confirmed that he would not follow.

China's AI-driven future is also maximized by its panoptic state, which has police cameras covering seemingly every square inch of downtown Beijing and beyond in a vast network of constant surveillance.


In a park near my hotel in central Beijing, a four-wheeled robot patrols constantly, looking for any disruptive activity to alert the authorities. The robocop seems to me to be a disconcerting, even vaguely malevolent presence, even if a group of elderly Beijingers practicing their morning tai chi seems serene.

For now, these cutting-edge technology industries, although booming, are not generating enough jobs to revive a struggling economy. That's before taking into account moves by the United States and the European Union to impose import duties of 100% and up to 45% respectively on Chinese electric vehicles, and efforts by the United States United to stifle Beijing's access to high-end AI chips.

Xi's growth model also poses unanswered questions about the role of hundreds of millions of poor rural farmers and migrant workers in the country's forward-looking future, many of whom have flocked to cities to find work in the construction sector now in difficulty.

As one migrant worker told me: It's an inspiring goal to move toward an advanced society like this, but it's a goal that will ultimately leave people like me jobless.

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