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Building the capital of the archipelago, President Joko Widodo and transformation towards a sustainable forest city

Building the capital of the archipelago, President Joko Widodo and transformation towards a sustainable forest city
Building the capital of the archipelago, President Joko Widodo and transformation towards a sustainable forest city


PORTALBALIKPAPAN.COM, Archipelago – Under the leadership of President Joko Widodo, the Nusantara Capital Authority (IKN) was established as a manifestation of a strong commitment to the development of the archipelago as a smart forest city sustainable.

With a smart city concept that prioritizes technology, environment and sustainability, this development is not only about infrastructure, but also about building a livable and enjoyable city.

The development of the archipelago is the hard work of the Indonesian people, led by President Joko Widodo, in an effort for cultural and civilizational transformation. It is not just about moving the capital, but also about creating a new national identity that reflects Indonesia's aspirations for a more inclusive, smart and sustainable future.

“All this is due to the issuance of Presidential Decree no. 75 of 2024 issued by the President regarding the acceleration of the development of the IKN. With this, we hope that there will be no more reasons for investors not to believe in the government's commitment and not immediately build or invest in IKN. “We hope that this development will be boosted by investors, not only with APBN,” said Plt. Head of the Archipelago Capital Authority (IKN), Basuki Hadimuljono

Based on Law Number 3 of 2022 concerning the National Capital, the IKN Authority was established to coordinate the preparation, construction and relocation of the capital, as well as to administer the special regional government.

The law also provides that the development of the archipelago will take place in five stages, from 2022 to 2045. Currently, the development is in the first stage (2022-2024), with a focus on the construction of central government areas, offices, housing. public areas and facilities such as education, health and commerce.

In collaboration with the PUPR Ministry, various support facilities have also been built in the archipelago. Construction of the Sepaku Semoi Dam has been completed, providing raw water to the Indonesian capital and parts of the city of Balikpapan, and also serving to control flooding.

Additionally, the development of basic infrastructure such as toll roads, power facilities, water and waste management, and telecommunications infrastructure continues to meet the needs of the government and local communities.

One of the icons of this transformation is Garuda Palace, which has been completed and stands majestically as a symbol of the cultural transformation of the Indonesian nation. With architecture that reflects the spirit of nationalism and modernity, this palace is not only the center of government, but also the symbol of the major changes facing the nation.

On August 17, 2024, Garuda Palace witnessed a new history when the ceremony to commemorate the 79th anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Indonesia was held there for the first time.

The IKN Authority also continues to strive to attract domestic and foreign investors to the archipelago, making it a super economic hub which has the potential to move the wheels of the national economy.

So far, eight steps revolutionary was carried out with an estimated investment value of IDR 58.41 trillion. The IKN Authority also received 492 letters of expression of interest or Letter of Intent (LoI) of investors, domestic and foreign, with details of 239 domestic and 199 foreign LoIs.

In line with economic development, the IKN Authority is committed to building a sustainable forest city. Efforts such as the reforestation program through the launch of Wanagama Nusantara and the formation of the Anti-Illegal Mining Task Force continue, demonstrating the government's seriousness in maintaining the balance of ecosystems.

At international forums, the IKN Authority launched the Roadmap to Zero Carbon Cities in the archipelago at COP28 in Dubai, as part of the global commitment to combat climate change.

To empower the community, the IKN Authority involves local communities in the policy formulation process, such as the public consultation regarding the IKN Authority's Ranperka on local wisdom. The potential of MSMEs is also optimized, with the number of MSMEs increasing from 417 in June 2023 to 650 over the February-April 2024 period.

The IKN Authority is active in providing entrepreneurship training, marketing and product quality improvement, as well as facilitating easy licensing processes for MSME players.

The development of the archipelago does not stop there. The IKN Authority continues to be committed to further development in the next stages, ensuring equitable development for all Indonesians.

This development is part of the nation's journey towards a golden Indonesia in 2045, where the archipelago will become a global center of innovation, economy and culture, bringing sustainable progress to future generations. (*/pr/imm)




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